4 protective effects of drinking Joe


Although drinking too much coffee can have adverse health effects, such as insomnia and anxiety, many studies have found strong associations between moderate consumption and protective effects on different parts of the body . For example, this year, researchers have suggested that a few cups of coffee could improve heart function.

Here are some of the other protective effects of the drink, as found in studies of recent years:

1. Improving the life expectancy of people with kidney disease

Consuming more caffeine can help reduce the risk of death in people with chronic kidney disease. The recently published results shed light on this link after analyzing data on more than 4,000 Americans observed over a decade.

"Our study showed a protective effect of caffeine consumption in patients with chronic renal failure," said lead author Miguel Bigotte Vieira, highlighting the reduction in mortality even after having taken into account other factors. "These results suggest that advising patients with kidney failure to drink more caffeine can reduce their mortality."

2. Lower risk of type 2 diabetes, with or without caffeine

Long-term studies have shown an association between coffee consumption and a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. While caffeine was initially thought to play a role, researchers could not explain why this association persisted even when the subjects in the study consumed decaffeinated coffee.

According to the results of a study conducted in 2015 on rat cells, cafestol and caffeic acid could be at the origin of this protective effect against diabetes. Both components, present in coffee with or without caffeine, appeared to increase insulin secretion.

3. Late onset or reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease

Older people who drink coffee are less likely to experience mild cognitive impairment as dementia.

"The moderate daily intake of caffeinated coffee appears to be the best dietary option for long-term protection against memory loss due to Alzheimer's disease," said Dr. Gary Arendash, co-author of a study associating high levels of caffeine disease.

As for the science behind it? This could have an anti-inflammatory impact on the brain, suggested medical experts from the University of Illinois. Their animal study, published in 2012, explored how caffeine could slow down the chain reaction that caused cognitive decline.

4. Decreased pain, pain felt during physical activity

"Dr. Dr. Seth J. Marquit, Medical Director at Pritikin," says Dr. Seth J. Marquit, Medical Director of Pritikin. Longevity Center in Miami, Florida.

And it's not just your workouts that benefit from this protection against pain. Norwegian researchers have observed office workers, noting a decrease in the development of pain in body parts such as the neck, shoulders, and so on. employees who consumed coffee compared to those who did not use coffee.

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