4 variations of keto diet and if they work


The traditional ketogenic diet requires only 5% of carbohydrates a day. Alternatives considered "less restrictive" are gaining popularity. What you draw from each diet depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
Twenty years ago, while working as a journalist in Princeton, I met a vegetarian butcher. It was a Russian grandmother, very close to mine. Day after day, she sliced ​​meat in her grocery store but refrained from leaving – except, she told me, towards Thanksgiving. Then she allowed herself a few slices of turkey. I have stopped trying to follow the many strange strains of diets we concoct. Was the butcher really vegetarian? Activists would say no. Yet, is "mainly vegetarian" vegetarian? Are a few slices of meat a year as important in the broader context of nutritional content? I have met vegans who eat eggs and I have heard that shellfish can be part of a vegan diet. It is this strange philosophy that night nights ruin meditation and we can spend hours debating food rules of the biblical era. Recently, on the farmer's market, a woman from the Korean booth asked if tempeh contained protein because she was following a "protein-free" diet. Too many layers to dissect there. Of course, keto fans should confuse things more. Instead of saying "I've reduced carbohydrates a bit," the following four keto-esque diets are gaining ground. That said, none of these diets is bad, reducing carbohydrates, as mentioned, is beneficial for many people. Before diving into varieties, let's start at the beginning. At the most basic level, a ketogenic diet requires limiting your daily carbohydrate intake to less than 50 grams per day to force your body to burn stored fat instead of getting glucose. This usually means that you consume 85% fat, 10% protein and 5% carbohydrates, although I have seen different variations of the fat / protein compromise. The standard of 5% carbohydrate is the constant of what we associate with ketosis.
Source: Perfect KetoMild Keto DietAs mentioned above, this diet basically consists of a reduction of carbohydrates. Your daily intake of fat is always high, between 60% and 65%, with protein entering 20% ​​and carbohydrate the rest. This diet is popular among those who think that a complete ketogenic diet lacks the intake of essential nutrients. According to Kate Save, co-founder of a meal service to lose weight, Full keto is focused on macronutrients, while the light keto is focused on nutrition and micronutrients. So you do not focus on the sources of calories, but on the diet. whole. Plus, the sweet keto ensures that you can always eat in all five food groups, making it easier to get 100% of the recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals.
Keto Cyclical Diet As explained here, this diet is similar to carbohydrate cycling, with slight variations. The carbohydrate cycle means four to six days of low carbohydrate diets, the other three being higher. The problem is that it does not cause you ketosis. And so, to use ketones, this diet teacher claims that 75% of calories come from fat 5 to 6 days a week, which can reduce carbohydrate content by less than 10%. Days of "re-eating" involve eating carbohydrates for 60 to 70% of your total caloric intake one to two days a week. You want to get your carbs from complete foods, such as oats, quinoa, sweet potatoes and beans, and avoid bread and baked goods or other processed foods high in sugar. This diet is used by bodybuilders and athletes looking to maximize weight loss.
Photo: ShutterstockHigh Diet ProteinHero Ceto Diet You're still limited to 5 percent carbohydrates, but your fat content drops dramatically to 60 percent. The remaining 35% comes from proteins. It is essentially a fat-rich version of The Zone diet, in which following each micronutrient adds a level of cognitive stress that could be better utilized, although adding more protein to the standard ketogenic diet. is definitely not a bad choice.
Keto Targeted DietThis This diet is specifically related to carbohydrate consumption because it revolves around your workouts. Forget the pasta the night before a marathon, the details are much larger. You want to consume 25 to 50 grams of carbohydrates thirty minutes to an hour before you train. These are the only carbs you eat that day. According to this source, TKD is a hybrid between the standard ketogenic diet and the cyclic ketogenic diet. It allows you to train at higher intensities in the gym, but does not require you to leave your ketosis for long periods of time (as in the case of the MRC).
I appreciate the site above simply because it is written that the TKD depends on objectives. Too many sources view ketogenic diets as a panacea for all kinds of health problems. But behind this reality, we find that we eat too much carbohydrate, which often leads to weight gain, which can then lead to all kinds of diseases. As I recently wrote, there is credible evidence linking ketogenic diets to a possible reduction in the incidence of cancer and diabetes. It does not take a lot of data to understand that more carbs equates to more obesity, more health problems. All ketogenic diets in the world emphasize one simple fact: we eat too much sugar in all its carbohydrate forms. Reduce that and common sense dictates that problems begin to solve themselves. – Stay in touch with Derek on Twitter and Facebook.

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