4 vitamin and mineral deficiencies related to insomnia and poor sleep


Sleep is crucial for your physical and mental health, but many factors, internal and external, can affect your sleep quality at night. You probably did not know that vitamin and mineral deficiencies can be related to insomnia. The relationship between vitamins and sleep is a complex relationship that science still tries to understand. A deficiency of vitamins or minerals can cause many health problems that can have side effects on sleep, but it is inadvisable to think that supplements can solve all your problems. If, however, you have a history of disability or if you think you have developed one, it may be related to an inability to cool your eyes.

The body needs a wide variety of vitamins and minerals to function properly and you get them through your body's diet, environment, and internal processes. A sleep disturbance may be a possible symptom, but it is worth doing a full health check to identify other underlying issues that may prevent you from sleeping at night. Your doctor can confirm a potential impairment (and cause) with a blood test, then work with you to find a treatment plan to control all symptoms, including sleep disorders.

Here are four vitamins and minerals related to poor sleep.

1Vitamin D

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Vitamin D deficiency is linked to lack of sunlight; we produce vitamin D by exposing our skin to UVB rays. If you have low vitamin D, this can lead to sleep disturbances. A study in 2013 found that irregular levels of vitamin D, including both deficiency and overproduction (too much), were associated with sleep problems. Too much vitamin D and people felt sleepy during the day, which ruined their sleep cycles at night. They slept too little and usually slept less hours per night. Another study, corroborated by another study of men, found that vitamin D deficiencies were associated with a sleep of less than five hours a night.

If you want to fight vitamin D deficiency, you must consume a lot of fatty fish, take supplements and put yourself in the sunlight when you can.

2Vitamin B12

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The link between sleep disorders and vitamin B12 is still under study. the New York Times reported in 2016 that doses of B12 appeared to have contributed to sleep disorders in small-scale studies, but additional research was needed. Dr. Ayan Panja, a general practitioner, said The Guardian in 2017, a deficiency of vitamin B12 "can sometimes explain clusters of symptoms such as migraines, cramps, food digestion and sleep problems, dementia and depression", but not everyone's d & # 39; agreement with the evaluation of Panja.

The reason for this link may be related to depression, a symptom that may be a sleep disorder. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause depressive symptoms, according to Harvard Health. If you experience an increase in mood levels in general, it may be wise to discuss vitamin B12 levels with your doctor.


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4The iron


Iron deficiency, also known as anemia, can cause a host of symptoms, but its connection to sleep problems is intriguing: anemia makes you more susceptible to restless leg syndrome, a condition in which limbs shake unconsciously during the night, causing sleep disturbances. The lower your iron level, the more likely you are to have restless legs and thus have a less restful sleep.

Do you want to increase your iron levels? Supplements are a good choice, as are foods rich in iron such as red meat. There can be various health problems that can cause anemia, however, if your low iron levels do not move, consult a general practitioner.

The key point to remembering vitamin deficiencies is that they can not be treated only with supplements; deficiency could be caused by your body not properly absorbing the vitamin, or for other reasons. It is best to consult your doctor if you have trouble sleeping and think that a vitamin deficiency could be the cause.

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