4 Your health: living in NYC not so healthy, a new approach to k – KVOA | KVOA.com


Hormone therapy may increase the risk of serious health problems in transgender women

According to a new study by Emory University and Kaiser Permanente. It showed that transgender women who had multiple years of estrogen treatment were significantly more likely to have a heart attack or stroke than other women.

Transgender women also had a higher risk of developing dangerous blood clots.

-C (Patients)

Transplantation of hepatitis C-infected kidneys could significantly shorten waiting times for patients already afflicted.

A computer model found with a kidney infected with hepatitis C, followed by antiviral treatment faster than treating the infection before a transplant. In fact, researchers predict that the average patient would spend about a year and a half less waiting for a kidney

The big apple can be harmful to health

A study on health New York University scientists say that obesity, depression and diabetes are on the rise in the big apple. Weight gain was most prevalent among uninsured immigrants and those with less education.

And more than half a million New Yorkers have symptoms of depression that is closely related to substance abuse, a lack of exercise and a poor diet. 19659002] There is good news to report that blood levels of lead and mercury have decreased in recent years in the city

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