48 hours Trump fact check


Tweet on Tuesday at 9:53

Campaign attacks against taxes

Trump weighed in this race at the US House in northern New Jersey, where Democrat Mikie Sherrill has the preference to beat Webber and take a seat held by the GOP. They disagree over Trump's tax redesign, which has become a key topic of the campaign. Sherrill is opposed to it, Webber has supported it. But they both criticized the new limits on the amount of mortgage interest and domestic and local taxes that New Jersey can deduct from their federal taxes. Sherrill said the maximum deduction is a tax hike.

Tweet on Tuesday at 11:24

Puerto Rico Emergency Relief

It's not clear what the president is talking about here. CNN's Leyla Santiago, who covers this story since last year's Hurricane Maria, noted that to date, there is no evidence efforts by the Puerto Rican government to use federal disaster relief funds to repay over $ 70 billion in debt. Either way, the island government does not have the authority to redirect these funds because these have been allocated to Congress to ease spending, and Puerto Rico might not want to send money to his creditors out of the island. In response to Trump's comment, Puerto Rican Governor Ricardo Rossello tweeted"I agree with you, Mr. President", although a Rossello source told CNN that the governor agreed that disaster funds should only be never be used to pay old debts. (Separately, some of Trump's critics tweeted their point of view his post gave the impression that Puerto Rico was not part of the United States. Anyone born on the island is an American citizen.)

Tweet on Tuesday at 12:43

Trade agreements and tariffs

It is true that billions of dollars are collected and sent to the US Treasury Department, but these funds are not paid by foreign companies or countries; it is paid for by US companies importing foreign goods subject to customs duties. The Tax Foundation, a non-partisan organization, estimates that the United States will collect about $ 42 billion this year because of tariffs imposed on Chinese products, steel and aluminum imports and foreign washing machines. But tariffs can drive up prices for US businesses and consumers. The Tax Foundation expects tariffs to reduce GDP and wages, as well as the loss of jobs in the United States, hitting hardest on average and low-income households.

Notes Tuesday at 14:26

Unemployment rate

Following the adoption of our massive tax cuts and regulations, the unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest level in more than 50 years. 5-0.


Trump is right, although it is off by a year. (It's been almost 49 years.) The unemployment rate reached 3.7% in September, its lowest rate since December 1969. Lydia DePillis, CNN's chief economics writer, says the number has been steadily declining since 2010. , second year of President Barack Obama. Office. Trump mentions again the unemployment rate the next day, see below.

Notes Tuesday at 14:26

Job Creation

We have created more than 4.2 million new jobs.


It's not clear when Trump started counting. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nonfarm employment has grown by 4.24 million people since November 2016, when he was elected president. But as of January 2017, when Trump took office, the economy created 3.8 million jobs. The job creation rate has increased, but it is not much higher than during the second term of Obama. Trump uses the figure 4.2 million at the rally the next day, see below.

Notes Tuesday at 14:26

Food vouchers

We have … removed more than 4 million Americans from food coupons.


It's almost true. About 38.9 million people received food stamps in July, compared to about 42.7 million in January 2017 when Trump took office. This is a decline of 3.76 million, not 4 million, in 18 months. Enrollments in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the official name of the program, declined as the economy improved and more and more states restricted their eligibility for the program. Enrollments peaked at 47.8 million in 2013. From July 2015 to December 2016, in the last 18 months of Obama's mandate, just over 2.5 million people have stopped receiving food coupons.

Notes Tuesday at 14:26

Salary increases

The median household income in 2017 was the highest level ever recorded.


This is partially true. Last year, the median household income stood at $ 61,400, according to the latest data from the US Census Bureau. Although this appears to be the highest ever recorded, census officials said the figure is statistically related to what it was between 1998 and 2001, as well as from 2005 to 2007. The agency has changed. methodology, so that the figures in dollars before 2013 are not known. " t comparable to current figures.

Notes Tuesday at 14:27

Salary increases

The income of Hispanic American households has reached an unprecedented historical level.


This is true, with the warning that data only go back to 1972, when the Census Bureau began tracking these statistics. Last year, the median income of Hispanics reached $ 50,486, up 3.7% from 2016.

Notes Tuesday at 14:27

Poverty among minorities

Hispanic-American and African-American poverty has reached its lowest level. The lowest levels ever.


Recalling that the data only goes back to 1972, it is correct that the American poverty rate for Hispanics is at its lowest level. About 18.3% of Hispanics lived in poverty in 2017, the lowest rate since the Census Bureau began tracking this statistic. But that's not the case for African Americans. Although the 2017 rate of 21.2% seems to be the lowest, it's not statistically different from the 2016 rate, according to the agency. Trump again mentions poverty rates at the next day's rally, see below.

Notes Tuesday at 14:27

Unemployment of minorities

Unemployment rates for American, African-American and Asian-American Hispanics have all recently hit their all-time low in the history of our country.


Again, it is not possible to determine if these rates are the lowest in history. That said, Trump is essentially right on the three points, since the three measures are the lowest since their recording. The unemployment rate for Hispanics reached its lowest level ever recorded in July, at 4.5%, where it is still today. The rate for African Americans reached its lowest level ever recorded in May, at 5.9%, and now stands at 6%. The rate for Asians also reached its lowest point in May, at 2.0%, and has since risen to 3.5%.

Notes on Tuesday at 14:32

California forest fires

I thought (California) had a drought. They said we had so much water that we do not know what to do with it. Then you have the burning forest fires. We have so much water that they could water some of it.


CNN White House journalists Jeremy Diamond and Kevin Liptak looked at this when Trump spoke about it for the first time during the summer, and the White House did not talk about it. could not or could not explain. During this summer's fire season, local officials made it clear that they had no trouble getting enough water to fight the fires. A FEMA official also told CNN that there was no shortage of water and that access to water would hamper firefighting efforts. in California.

Notes on Tuesday at 14:38

Crowd during rallies

Oval Office Spray Tuesday at 16:47

Investments in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has been a very good ally. They were one of the biggest investors, perhaps the biggest investor in our country. They invest hundreds of billions of dollars.


Trump is wrong about Saudi Arabia being among the biggest investors in the United States. In 2017, its position in foreign direct investment in the United States was $ 14 billion, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. (Foreign direct investment is defined as the ownership or control of more than 10% of a US business entity.) This does not place Saudi Arabia among the top 20 foreign investors. In comparison, the United Kingdom invested $ 615 billion in the United States in 2017 and Japan $ 477 billion.

Oval office spray Tuesday at 16:50

Financing of NATO

I do not like Germany to pay 1% of its GDP to NATO and we pay 4.3%. I do not like that. This is not fair. I do not like it too much when, for example, we are protecting Europe and we are paying almost the entire cost of NATO.


This is a clear case of Trump denaturation of figuresand counting defense spending as NATO spending. He is certainly right in saying that the United States spends more on defense as a percentage of GDP than Germany, but they also have much larger military commitments. Not only that, but Trump's US number is not accurate. According to the latest NATO estimates, as of July, Germany is expected to spend about 1.2% of its GDP on defense this year. the United States will spend about 3.5%. It is also incorrect to say that the United States is paying almost the "total cost" of the alliance decades ago. The United States pays about 67% of all NATO defense spending and about 22% of all direct NATO funding.

Office oval spray Tuesday at 16:51

Trade with the European Union

With the European Union, for example, last year, in terms of trade, we lost $ 151 billion. In addition, we have lost hundreds of billions of dollars in protection.


This is not the complete picture. The Trump administration has long chosen to view trade only as an import and export of goods, rather than as an exchange of goods and services. If only goods are taken into account, the United States imported more goods than it exported to the European Union last year, resulting in trade deficit of $ 151.4 billion, according to US Census data. But the United States is also a driving force in services, such as finance and technology. When considering both goods and services, the 2017 deficit drops to $ 101.2 billion.

Oval Office Spray Tuesday at 4:55 pm

Apple investments in the United States

Apple is an example. I was with them. They are going to spend $ 350 billion on new construction in the United States, which, as you've known for a long time, has been repeating it from the beginning.


It looks like Trump confuses two figures. Apple announced in January that it would invest $ 30 billion in US facilities over the next five years. The company also estimated that its new investments, added to existing projects in the United States, would add $ 350 billion to the US economy over five years. Apple made the announcement soon after Trump signed its tax reduction bill. Trump mentions Apple again the next day, see below.

Oval Office Spray Tuesday at 4:59 pm

Caravan of migrants

Well, it could very well be (Middle Eastern people in the caravan), yes. It could very well be. And if you look – I have very good information. I have very good information.


Trump repeated his false declaration that people from the Middle East have infiltrated a caravan of Central American migrants heading for the US-Mexico border. The administration has released a series of statistics in response to questions raised about this statement, but none of them has proved Trump's claims. According to US Customs and Border Protection statistics, more than 303,000 people crossed the southern border last year, only 95 of them. A senior US official also told CNN correspondent Jessica Schneider that there was no evidence that Sunni terrorist groups had infiltrated the caravan.

Oval Office Spray Tuesday at 17:07

US-Mexican border wall

We built the wall. We started the wall. San Diego has almost completed the entire region – all of California. But we want to do it quickly.


Trump takes credit for a project requested by Customs and Border Protection for years. He is totally separated from his well-known proposal to build a wall along the southern border. In San Diego, the federal government is replacing 14 km of a 46-kilometer border fence with a stronger wall, but only about half has been replaced so far, according to a CBP spokesman. With regard to the President's proposal, only a fraction of the funds requested were approved by Congress and the funds were mainly used for repairs and not for new construction. Trump mentions border security a day later, see below.

Spray pool on Tuesday at 18:44.

Defeat ISIS

We have made significant progress in the fight against radical Islamic terrorism. In Syria and Iraq, our brave fighters have decimated the Islamic State.


Trump is ok about the ISIS status on the battlefield, but that does not tell the whole story. In August, the US military had estimated that the Islamic State had lost 98% of the territory it once controlled in Iraq and Syria. And no less than 70,000 militants of the Islamic State were killed during the US-led military campaign. But the United States estimates that there are still nearly 30,000 Islamic State fighters in the region and the group still inspires supporters around the world through its online operations.

Wall Street Journal interview Tuesday afternoon

Iranian economy and riots

The Iran nuclear deal, to be precise – since I ended the agreement, it is not the same country. I see it in different ways. Their economy has collapsed. Their currency has collapsed. They have riots every week, big, in every city. They are not the same country.


The Iranian currency, the rial, has fallen about 70% since May, when Trump pulled out of the nuclear deal, according to Bloomberg. Although Trump's policies have harmed the Iranian economy, the decline in the currency is also partly due to the bad decisions taken in Tehran, including an unsuccessful attempt to stabilize the rial by attaching it to a rate set by compared to the dollar. US sanctions are likely to make matters worse, especially for the Iranian oil sector, which will come into effect in November. With regard to the riots, sporadic demonstrations have occurred since May, some for days and others that have become deadly. But Trump is wrong when he says that the Iranians quarrel "every week" in "every city".

Wall Street Journal interview Tuesday afternoon

Proposed Tax Discounts

We have a way. We will announce it at the time. But we think we can make it neutral in terms of income based on certain things.


Trump is talking about a second round of tax cuts that he wants the Congress to pass. But lawmakers have not yet released the bill, so this is impossible to know at the moment, the bill will reduce government revenues or include offsetting reductions to avoid widening the deficit. But the complete overhaul of Trump's tax laws last year has the effect of increasing deficits by $ 1.46 trillion over 10 years.

Wall Street Journal interview Tuesday afternoon

The crimes of ex-lawyer Michael Cohen

It was not me This had to do with the taxi industry or something like that. But he has … and funding, but nothing to do with me.


This is not true. Statements made by federal prosecutors in New York and Cohen's affidavits implicate Trump in the scheme to silence women who have claimed sex with the presidential candidate, which he denied. The President is correct in saying that some of the eight counts against Cohen related to Cohen's taxi medallions company, which was unrelated to his work for Trump. The US prosecutor's office continues to examine whether the leaders of the Trump Organization have violated campaign finance laws, reported CNN.

Trump tweet on Wednesday at 8:45

Pre-existing conditions

There is not a lot of truth to that. Although some Republicans support coverage of pre-existing conditions, the GOP policy was not. The protection of people with a pre-existing condition is one of the most popular aspects of the health care system and is a key component of Obamacare. Since Trump took office, Republicans have taken steps to weaken these protections, including a rule signed by the president in August that extends the use of short-term and non-compulsory insurance plans for people with pre-existing illnesses. . Unsuccessful Republican congressional attempts to repeal Obamacare would also have allowed states to remove coverage protections for pre-existing conditions. Trump again mentions the pre-existing conditions the next day, see below.

Remarks Wednesday at 2:28 pm

Crisis spending on opioids

We received $ 6 billion in new funding for opioids, the highest amount ever received.


He is right. Congress has allocated a record $ 6 billion over two years to tackle the epidemic of opioids. Previously, the 21st century treatment law, signed by Obama in December 2016, provided $ 1 billion over two years to states to fight the opioid epidemic. at the national level.

Remarks Wednesday at 14:32

Fight against opioids

Over the last 20 months, the fraudulent strike forces of the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Social Services have targeted $ 3.3 billion worth of waste, fraud and drug-related abuse. illegal distribution of opioids. This is by far the most important.


C & # 39; misleading. In the past two years, the Department of Health and Social Services has discovered $ 3.3 billion in fraud in Medicare and Medicaid, but nothing related to opioids. Some of the frauds involved illegal bribes and false invoices for unnecessary medical procedures. That said, HHS has blacklisted nearly 900 doctors and nurses "on the basis of behaviors related to diversion and opioid abuse", which means that they can not participate in federally funded health care programs.

Remarks Wednesday at 2:33 pm

Opioid prescriptions

The total amount of opioids prescribed decreased by almost 20% in a very short time. Very proud of that.


honorable studies back this placebut that did not happen under Trump's supervision. A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates a drop of 18% between 2010 and 2015. And, according to the American Medical Association, a drop of 22% between 2013 and 2017. These trends are largely prior to the 39th. Trump administration and decline has been attributed to changes in prescription regulations and guidelines.

Rally Wednesday at 8:01 pm

Political rhetoric and civility

The language of moral condemnation and destructive routine are arguments and disagreements that must stop. … Nobody should carelessly compare his political opponents to historical villains.


These comments came after homemade bombs were sent to CNN offices in New York and to several well-known Democrats. The President makes no factual statement here. But his call to civility obscures the reality that he himself has compared his opponents to "historical villains" in the past, although he condemned this practice on Wednesday night. He has assimilated US intelligence agencies in "Nazi Germany". He has m said Special advocate Robert Mueller was worse than Sen. Joseph McCarthy, the infamous Red Scare champion. A White House report released on Tuesday revealed that independent Senator Bernie Sanders and Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren were similar to Chinese leader Mao Zedong.

Rally Wednesday at 8:08 pm

Border security

Democrats oppose any effort to secure our border.


This is not true. Border security has been the cornerstone of proposals for democratic immigration for years. In 2013, the immigration bill, backed by Obama and unanimously adopted by the Democrats, would have allowed to add up to 40,000 border patrol agents. (Republicans in the House refused to vote on the proposal.) Earlier this year, all Democratic senators except one supported a bipartite bill to deploy new technologies at the border. While most Democrats oppose the Trump Border Wall, this does not mean that they "oppose any effort" to secure the border.

Rally Wednesday at 8:08 pm

US-Mexican border wall

As you know, we started the wall, $ 1.6 billion, $ 1.6 billion, and we have another, but we want to build it very quickly, and we will do it. But wait until you see what happens in the next two weeks. You will see a very secure border. You have just watched.


Trump made a somewhat similar claim in front of the Oval Office on Tuesday at 17:07. See above. Although he is right, Congress has approved $ 1.6 billion, but this is only a fraction of the $ 25 billion requested. This money was mainly used for repairs and not for new construction.

Rally Wednesday at 8:09 pm

Capture and release policies

Democrats believe in catch and release. You know what it is, right? You catch someone who illegally crosses our border. & # 39; What is your name? & # 39; & # 39; My name is such and such. & # 39; "Well, do me a favor, write it down. Would you appear in about three or four years for a trial? & # 39; Yes, I will arrive. & # 39; And we will never see them again. We never see them.


Saying "we'll never see them again", Trump gives the false impression that undocumented immigrants "never" go to court after their release from the United States. According to the latest statistics from the Department of Justice, 26% of the eviction cases were tried in absentia until June of this year. This means that about three-quarters attended their hearings. Even the Trump Friendly Immigration Studies Center noted that most immigrants went to court in 2017.

Rally Wednesday at 8:10 pm

Sanctuary Cities

(Democrats) strongly support sanctuary towns that refuse to cooperate with federal forces and release known gang members, predators and criminal aliens into our communities.


It is true that more Democrat than Republican politicians tend to support the so-called sanctuary cities, which limits cooperation with the federal authorities in matters of immigration. Yet Trump uses it to assert in a general way that Democrats therefore support gang members and foreigners accused of serious crimes, which is stretch the truth. The mayors of the sanctuary cities have said that politics makes their communities safer because immigrants will not be afraid to work with the police. Nevertheless, despite Trump's heated rhetoric on the issue, the city-sanctuary authorities continue to monitor their communities and prosecute perpetrators. They collaborate with federal forces during gang incursions and other violence – criticism from immigrant rights groups, who question the motives of the authorities.

Rally Wednesday at 8:10 pm

Deport MS-13 members

We take them out quickly. MS-13, thousands and thousands of MS-13s. They are outside. We get them out quickly because of the ICE and other forces of the order.


The data on this is uneven. Since Trump became president, thousands of gang members have been deported. But these are not all MS-13s and there is no clear data on deportations by gangs. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement has reportedly arrested "796 MS-13 gang members and associates" in fiscal 2017 and another 405 in the first quarter of 2018, according to data provided to The New York Times. but we do not know how many of them have been convicted of crimes and deported. There are an estimated 10,000 MS-13 members in the country, but some of them are US citizens and not foreign nationals.

Rally Wednesday at 8:12 pm

Unemployment rate

The unemployment rate has just fallen to the lowest level in more than 50 years. Five years. Fifty.


It is a practically practical repetition of the claim he made the day before at the Oval Office. It's true, above all. See above.

Rally Wednesday at 8:12 pm

Manufacturing confidence

Confidence in the manufacturing sector has reached a record high in the history of our country. Je pense qu'il a maintenant 38 ans, ce sondage, pense que c'est long. Cela pourrait être plus long, mais je pense que ce sera probablement aussi, dans l’histoire, une confiance sans précédent.


L'essentiel de ceci est vrai, mais le président est étirer les faits et être explosif quand il n'a pas à l'être. Il a raison que cette statistique a atteint un niveau record, mais que ce chiffre n’a été suivi que depuis 20 ans, et non pour toute «l’histoire de notre pays». Lors de son enquête du deuxième trimestre, la National Association of Manufacturers a révélé que 95% de ses 14 000 membres affichaient des perspectives positives pour leurs activités, soit le chiffre le plus élevé des 20 années d'histoire de l'enquête, et non de 38 ans. Ce nombre a diminué à 92,5% lors de l’enquête du troisième trimestre, publiée début octobre.

Rassemblement mercredi à 20h13

Création d'emploi

Plus de gens travaillent maintenant qu’à n'importe quel moment de l’histoire des États-Unis.


C'est vrai, bien que ce soit vrai depuis un moment maintenant. L'emploi n'a cessé de croître depuis le creux de la récession en 2010 et se situe maintenant à 149,5 millions, selon les données sur la masse salariale non agricoles du Bureau of Labor Statistics. C'est bien au-dessus du sommet de 138,4 millions atteint en janvier 2008 avant la récession, qui avait été reconquis en mai 2014, lorsque le nombre de travailleurs américains atteignait 138,6 millions, selon les données sur les salaires. En pourcentage de la population, toutefois, l’emploi reste bien en deçà de son record de 2000.

Rassemblement mercredi à 20h15

Investissements Apple aux Etats-Unis

Ils vont se déchaîner. Ils construisent un excellent campus. Ils construisent des endroits partout, 350 milliards de dollars. Je pensais que c'était 350 millions de dollars. C'était – ça sonnait bien. Vous pouvez faire beaucoup de bonnes plantes pour trois cents – elles rapportent 350 milliards de dollars, Apple.


Le président aime se vanter d'Apple ces temps-ci, et les milliards de dollars qu'elle a annoncés prévoient investir dans de nouvelles installations aux États-Unis. Bien qu'en gros vrai, Trump est à nouveau confondre les nombres ici, comme il l'a fait la veille au bureau ovale. Voir la référence ci-dessus.

Rassemblement mercredi à 20h32

Dossier d'immigration de Tammy Baldwin

Baldwin a voté contre la loi de Kate, si vous pouvez le croire.


Vrai. Trump a passé une grande partie de son rassemblement dans le Wisconsin à attaquer le sénateur démocrate Tammy Baldwin, qui se présente pour une réélection cette année. Tout en critiquant les positions de Baldwin sur l'immigration, Trump a justement souligné qu'elle s'opposait à la loi de Kate, un projet de loi visant à augmenter les peines encourues à l'encontre des immigrés sans papiers qui rentrent aux États-Unis après leur expulsion. Elle a voté pour ce vote en 2016. Le projet de loi est mort à la fin de la session du Congrès en 2017. Depuis l'entrée en fonction de Trump, la Chambre a approuvé le projet de loi, mais le Sénat n'a toujours pas procédé à un vote.

Rassemblement mercredi à 20h46

Conditions pré-existantes

Et les républicains protégeront toujours, comme l’a dit Leah (Vukmir) (candidate au Sénat du GOP), les Américains atteints de maladies préexistantes, à 100%. 100%


Le président, avec quelques autres républicains, a récemment insisté sur le fait que le GOP ferait tout son possible pour s'assurer que les compagnies d'assurance couvrent les personnes atteintes de maladies préexistantes. Compte tenu du bilan du parti dans sa tentative de démantèlement d'Obamacare, il est difficile de voir en quoi il s'agit d'une promesse de campagne d'une onzième heure. Voir la référence ci-dessus.

Rassemblement mercredi à 20h49

Vote anticipé

Regardez, voter tôt semble extrêmement bon pour les républicains.


Les revendications de Trump sont au mieux fragile, car il existe un univers très limité de données disponibles. L'analyste politique principal de CNN, Harry Enten, explique que lorsque les électeurs votent tôt, les États et les comtés publient des informations sur le nombre de bulletins de vote, l'endroit où ils ont été exprimés et la ventilation des inscriptions de partis, le cas échéant. Mais ils ne révèlent jamais publiquement les résultats jusqu'à la fermeture des bureaux de vote le jour des élections.

Rassemblement mercredi à 20h51

Couper l'assurance-maladie

Les démocrates veulent aussi faire un raid sur Medicare pour financer des prestations pour une multitude de choses différentes. Mais ils veulent les financer pour les immigrants clandestins, alors les immigrants clandestins entrent.


Il y a aucune preuve à l'appui de tout cela. Les démocrates n'ont proposé aucune proposition de financement ou de "raid de Medicare", encore moins de détourner des fonds de Medicare au profit d'immigrants sans papiers. En fait, la plupart des démocrates ont fait campagne en promettant de protéger le programme de santé destiné aux personnes âgées géré par le gouvernement ou de l’étendre à tous les Américains. Le chef de la majorité au Sénat, Mitch McConnell, un républicain du Kentucky, a récemment évoqué l'idée de refondre Medicare et la sécurité sociale, en mettant en garde les futures coupes comme moyen de réduire le déficit budgétaire.

Rassemblement mercredi à 20h56

Abolir ICE

Les démocrates veulent mettre fin à ICE. Ils veulent s'en débarrasser.


C'est un simplification excessive du mouvement pour l'abolition de l'Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Certains démocrates réputés, notamment le maire de New York, Bill de Blasio, et la sénatrice Kirsten Gillibrand, de New York, veulent abolir l’agence fédérale. Mais les leaders démocrates à la Chambre et au Sénat ne sont pas encore là. Et se débarrasser de ICE ne faisait pas partie de la dernière plate-forme du Parti démocrate, qui avait été approuvée en 2016.

Rassemblement mercredi à 20h57

Création d'emplois et bons d'alimentation

En moins de deux ans, nous avons créé 4,2 millions de nouveaux emplois et levé – écoutez ceci – 4,2 millions d'Américains n'ont plus de bons d'alimentation.


Trump a également fait ces deux réclamations la veille. Les deux sont essentiellement vrai, en fonction du moment où vous commencez à compter, soit en novembre 2016, quand il a remporté les élections, soit en janvier 2017, quand il est entré en fonction. Voir au dessus.

Rassemblement mercredi à 20h58

Pauvreté parmi les minorités

La pauvreté afro-américaine et américaine hispanique a atteint son niveau le plus bas.


Le président a déjà fait des déclarations connexes. Voir les faits à partir de mardi.

Rassemblement mercredi à 20h59

Chômage des minorités

Les taux de chômage afro-américain, hispano-américain et américano-asiatique ont tous atteint les taux les plus bas jamais enregistrés.


Ceci est un favori récent de Trump. Il l'a répété fréquemment au cours des dernières semaines, y compris mardi du bureau ovale. Techniquement, c'est vrai, voir au dessus.

Rassemblement mercredi à 21h10

Ambassade des Etats-Unis en Israël

Nous sommes sortis et avons construit le plus bel immeuble pour 500 000 $.


Le président a déclaré que son administration avait dépensé 500 000 dollars pour établir la nouvelle ambassade américaine à Jérusalem, ouverte en mai. Comme Trump l'a noté dans son discours, un consulat américain existant a été rénové pour devenir la nouvelle ambassade. But il a omis de mentionner que la construction nécessitait une deuxième phase plus coûteuse de modifications. Le département d'État a déclaré à CNN que les modifications initiales avaient coûté moins de 400 000 dollars. The State Department later awarded a $21 million contract to design and build "compound security updates" as part of the second phase of renovations.

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