4th case of West Nile virus confirmed at Columbia SC


A fourth case of West Nile virus has been confirmed in Colombia, less than a week after the confirmation of two other cases, the city said Saturday.

HC's Department of Health and Environmental Protection has confirmed that the virus was found in a dead bird on Heidt Street in the historic Waverly District, the Columbia Police Department said in a statement. communicated. Two other cases were confirmed last week and the city confirmed its first case of virus at the end of August.

City crews will spray in the area Sunday to limit the hatching of new mosquitoes; continue source reduction efforts for all possible breeding sites; and set up mosquito traps in the affected area, half a mile from where the bird was found, to test the prevalence of the virus in the mosquito population.

By the way, Monday, city teams will begin spraying adult mosquitoes from midnight to dawn on Tuesday and will continue to spray throughout the day Tuesday, according to the statement.

All residents of the city allergic to permethrin or tau-fluvalinate products are advised to inform the vector control staff by calling the City Code Enforcement Division at 803-545-4229.

City officials provided the following list of preventative measures to reduce the threat of West Nile to the mosquito population:

  • Use, in accordance with the instructions on the label, EPA registered insect repellents containing DEET, Picaridin, IR3535 or lemon eucalyptus oil.
  • Drainage of debris and weed ditches
  • Stack the holes with sand
  • Clean blocked gutters
  • Keep boats spilled, drained or covered (covers must not collect water)
  • Ornamental ponds and water gardens with minnows that feed
  • Properly maintain pools
  • Change the water in pet dishes, bird baths and containers used to root plants at least once a week
  • Make sure there are screens on the rain barrels and use the water as soon as possible.

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