5-day closing rumors at San Ysidro POE Fake: CBP


US Customs and Border Protection authorities confirmed Thursday that a message circulating on social media, announcing that the port of entry of San Ysidro would be closed for five days, was a fake and not did not come from the agency.

CBP said that following a scheduled exercise at the port Thursday afternoon, which started at 14 hours. and lasted about 40 minutes, the operations were stable.

"Large scale operational readiness exercises" were visible to some drivers.

CBP stated that the purpose of the exercise was to "assess the readiness and capabilities of CBP facilities to ensure the necessary preparations."

CBP would neither confirm nor deny whether the exercise was part of the preparations for the thousands of Central American migrants currently in Tijuana, Mexico, while waiting for a chance to seek asylum in the United States. United States.

"The main objective of the exercise is to assess CBP's willingness to secure an entry point in case of significant crowd risk," said a CBP spokesperson in a written declaration to NBC 7.

The army did not participate in this training mission, CBP said.

"It sounds a bit like a war zone," said Gary Emineth, a resident of North Dakota in Bismark. It was the first time that he saw the port of entry of San Ysidro. "You hear all the helicopters fly over, you see the barbed wire. It's not very attractive and maybe it's part of what the Trump Administration wants. "

Prior to the training exercise, CBP was to reopen several northbound lanes at San Ysidro POE.

Three lanes in the United States were blocked last Monday "in anticipation of the migrant caravan and the potential security risk it could cause," CBP said in a statement.

CBP closes certain lanes of the San Diego area's port of entry before the arrival of the migrant caravanCBP closes certain lanes of the San Diego area's port of entry before the arrival of the migrant caravan

This is a story in development and will be updated as information becomes available.

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