5 dietary tips to manage obesity


According to a recent study, long-term exposure to road traffic noise can increase the risk of obesity. Obesity is defined as a physical condition involving excess body fat. Excess fat can even cause serious damage to overall health and well-being. The study of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health was published in Environment International.

Previous studies have shown associations between traffic noise and several markers of obesity. This study aimed to confirm the link between these noises and weight gain.
"Our analysis shows that people exposed to the highest levels of road noise are more likely to be obese," said Maria Foraster, first author of the study. "For example, we observed that a 10 dB increase in average noise level was associated with a 17% increase in obesity."

The researchers also analyzed exposure to noise generated by air and rail traffic and found no significant associations except in the case of long-term exposure to railway noise, associated with a higher risk of overweight but not obesity.
For the study, the authors examined the data from two different perspectives. Cross-sectional analysis was used to study the participating population at a specific point in the study and to examine more objective measures.

Through the longitudinal design, the authors evaluated the evolution of the risk of obesity during the study period. The results revealed that associations with traffic-related noise pollution were consistent in both cases. Overweight was only associated with traffic noise exposure in cross-sectional analysis. The authors found no association between noise exposure and body mass index measured continuously throughout the longitudinal analysis.

"Our study provides additional evidence supporting the hypothesis that traffic noise affects obesity because the results obtained in a different population were the same as those reported by the researchers. However, further longitudinal studies are needed to confirm the association and to examine some inconsistencies in the data that, to date, have prevented us from formulating a explanation accepted by the scientific community as a whole ", explained Maria Foraster.The authors stressed the need to take measures to reduce noise pollution. Noise generates stress and affects our sleep. It changes the levels of hormones and raises blood pressure. Sleep disturbances hinder our glucose metabolism and impair our appetite.

"In the long term, these effects could lead to chronic physiological alterations, which would explain the proven association between persistent exposure to traffic-related noise and cardiovascular disease or associations most recently discovered with the Diabetes and obesity Cancer-related noise could also be a way to fight the obesity epidemic, "added Maria Foraster.

Dietary advice to manage obesity

According to experts, obesity could be a side effect of another dominant health problem, medication or a sedentary lifestyle. Obesity can be managed with a healthy and balanced diet and regular physical activity. Here are some tips to keep in mind.

1. Trade sources of refined carbohydrates for whole grains. A whole grain manages to keep all the nutrients processed during refining. Fill up with whole grains such as bajra, ragi, corn and jowar and use them often. Try red, black and brown rice instead of white rice. You can use these whole grains for breakfast porridge.
2. Just like grains, whole dals are also a better choice than washed dals. Rajma and chana dals are among the healthiest dals you can fill. You can cook them, have them in shoots or in soups.
3. Avoid red meats and opt for lean meats like chicken and salmon. The addition of protein to each meal could change the deal for anyone trying to lose weight.
4. Fill up on seasonal vegetables. They provide soluble and insoluble fiber as well as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
5. Stay away from trans fats as they are one of the biggest contributors to the growing number of obesity cases worldwide. Fast food, instant foods, fried junks, cookies, pasta, burger and noodles should be excluded immediately from your diet

(With ANI entries)

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