5 hidden reasons why your diet might not be working – Beauty Health


We will be embarking on our diet in our lifetime and for some, constant dieting is a reality. However, are you dieting and not seeing any results? Here's 5 hidden why your diet might not be working.

The average person ends up gaining weight for every diet that they go on. Worse still, when they lose weight, they also lose muscle and fat. When they put weight back on, they gain back all fat. Muscle burns at a rate of seven times and yo-yo dieting your metabolism is when you start the diet in the first place.

There are many people who are overweight who do not eat particularly much because of yo-yo dieting, they have completely messed up their metabolism.

The key to losing weight and keeping things simple. Firstly, by fixing what drives you to overeat and over-indulge in the first place. The second is to automatically increase your metabolism so you burn more calories all day long. Sadly, most diets do the complete opposite, they increase hunger and end up slowing down metabolism.

Here are the most important reasons and you can succeed.


Feeling like we are hungry, we are very much satisfied, it is not exactly why we eat. If you find that you eat too much, you may be able to cut down your hunger pangs with different food choices. Pick foods that are higher in fiber and build meals around protein. These will certainly help you feel fuller for longer.

Skipping meals

Eating more often can help you avoid eating at mealtime, but you can eat too many calories. If you eat 2-3 large meals during the day and snack, try 4-5 smaller, calorie-controlled meals. If you're having a meal, you can not eat too much.

5 hidden reasons why your diet might not be working

5 hidden reasons why your diet might not be working

(The Cruise Control Diet)

You're on a fad diet

Keto and Paleo, such as Keto and Paleo. Although this may lead to temporary weight loss, they are not sustainable for the long-term. A more balanced diet may help you to reduce your weight loss.

Portion size

Most of us make portion size mistakes. If you find that your diet is not working, get a small digital scale and start to measure each portion of food. Chances are good that you are eating more than you are.

You're not drinking enough water

The benefits of water work in many ways. First, it's good for the workings of your body, it helps fill you up, so you eat less. It's also healthier than other liquids like juice or soft drinks.

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