5 low sodium foods and tips to reduce salt intake


According to a recent study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, higher salt intake through food may be the cause of death. The study was published by Brigham and Women's Hospital, which suggested that an inappropriate way to estimate and consume sodium each day can help explain the paradoxical results of others. According to Nancy Cook, who was a researcher in this topic said that sodium is usually difficult to measure. "Sodium is hidden and we often do not know how much we consume, so it's hard for us to estimate how much we have consumed from a food questionnaire. Sodium excretions are the best measure, but there are many In our work, we used several measures to obtain a more precise image. The researchers found that sodium intake can be measured using a localized test to determine the amount of salt excreted in a person's urine sample. Sodium can change daily, therefore, the best way to get a complete picture of sodium intake is to take samples over several days.The researchers evaluated the results for participants in the Trials of Hypertension Prevention, which included nearly 3,000 individuals with pre-hypertension.

Dr. Namita Nadar, head dietitian at Fortis Hospitals, recommends these 5 low sodium foods that can be included in their daily lives:

  1. Bitter Gourd: Also known as karela in Hindi, bitter gourd is a vegetable used as a food and medicine. In addition to being beneficial for diabetics, bitter gourd is also a low sodium food, in addition, it helps to increase your immunity.
  2. Eggplant: Brinjal, or eggplant, helps lower cholesterol. It is known to stabilize blood pressure levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
  3. Barley water: Barley water is rich in insoluble fiber. It usually reduces blood cholesterol levels and decreases the risk of developing heart disease.
  4. Pear: Peers are known to be high in fiber. They contain a good amount of vitamins – C, K, B2, B3 and B6. In addition, pear skin contains antioxidant quercetin, which is beneficial for cancer prevention and can help lower blood pressure.
  5. Coconut water: We all know that coconut water is known to beat the heat of summer. Packed with nutrition, it also helps keep diseases at bay. It will help you lose weight and keep you hydrated. It is also known to reduce blood pressure and so it is recommended to start your day with a glass of coconut water.

Tips for regulating your salt intake

  1. Keep hydrated and drink at least 2 liters of water each day.
  2. A big no to processed food, instead go for fresh vegetables and fruits.
  3. Always read the labels on the product to be able to choose foods low in sodium.
  4. Replace salt with Himayalan rock salt, sea salt, etc. for your favorite recipes. Salt can be replaced from any recipe except those containing yeast.
  5. Eat green leafy vegetables and summer vegetables.

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