5 natural tips for managing diabetes


Type 1 diabetes is a chronic disease in which the ability of the pancreas to produce insulin is hampered. If one believes the results of a recent study, a vaccine primarily used to treat tuberculosis could prove effective in reducing hyperglycemia in people with type 1 diabetes. Three years after receiving two administrations of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine at four-week intervals, people with long-standing type 1 diabetes have shown an improvement in hemoglobin HbA1c – Aglycated – measured to test overall sugar levels at levels close to normal.

"This is a clinical validation of the potential to stably lower blood sugar levels to near-normal levels with a safe vaccine, even in patients with chronic diseases," said Denise Faustman, Director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Immunobiology Laboratory.

The researchers also noted that the effects of BCG vaccine on glycemic control depended on a totally new metabolic mechanism that increases glucose cell consumption.
For the study, the team of scientists analyzed data from 282 human participants – 52 with type 1 diabetes who participated in BCG clinical trials and 230 who contributed blood samples for mechanistic studies .

In the results, it was revealed that HbA1c rates of those who received BCG had dropped by more than 10 percent in three years after treatment and by more than 18 percent in four years.
The study published in the journal npj Vaccine, said that this BCG vaccination induces an epigenetic reprogramming at the level of chromatin architecture and functional alterations indicative of a permanent change of the I & # 39; immunity.
Researchers are optimistic that the vaccine can have a lasting and valuable impact on the immune system.
Diabetes is becoming one of the most prevalent health problems in the world. While scientists around the world are working hard to find a definitive cure for the disease, late diagnosis and lack of awareness is very difficult to manage the disease. Few people know that diet plays a crucial role in regulating your blood sugar level.

Here are some tips for managing your diabetes:

1. Consume complex carbohydrates: A balanced diet is essential to managing diabetes and a complex carbohydrate rich can do it effectively. Complex carbohydrates are those high in fiber and unprocessed.

2 Increase in the intake of resistant starch: Foods rich in resistant starch such as bananas, potatoes, cereals and legumes are good for maintaining an optimal blood sugar level.

3. Consume more nuts: Almonds, nuts, cashews and pistachios are rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as good fats. Adding them to your diet can help prevent the increase of blood sugar levels.

4. Add ginger to your diet: A study from the University of Sweden has indicated that the ginger root spice has the potential to keep glucose levels in the blood under control.

5. Do not skip breakfast: A high-energy breakfast is very essential to start the metabolism and prevent sudden spikes in blood sugar levels.

(With IANS entries)

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