5 Simple Ways, According to Scientists, to Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes


The researchers suggested that women may be working longer, partly because of housework and family responsibilities, which could trigger a chronic stress response in the body, increase the risk of hormonal abnormalities and insulin resistance, and that a reduction in the number of hours worked could help reduce the risk of the disease.


Korean researchers found that sleeping too much or too little was associated with an increased risk of developing a metabolic syndrome, to a group of conditions including a high waistline, high triglyceride levels, a low rate of 'good' Cholesterol, high blood pressure and fasting blood glucose.

The large-scale study involved 133,608 participants aged 40 to 69 years. She found that compared to those sleeping six to seven hours a day, men sleeping less than six hours and men and women sleeping more than 10 hours were more likely to sleep. develop a metabolic syndrome, which can increase the risk of diabetes.


A European study found that even in children, physical exercise can reduce the accumulation of risk factors for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, or even the risk that young people will develop these diseases later in life. However, children who increased their sedentary behavior showed an increase in the accumulation of risk factors.

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