5 strange 'UFO sightings & # 39; that triggered rumors of extraterrestrial life


Strange planes or lights hovering high in the sky at different times in the United States have raised questions among space enthusiasts: if it's not a bird, a plane or even Superman, what is it? UFO sightings have soared in recent years, leading many to believe that it is a sign of extraterrestrial life.

UFO reports have become so common that recently, people start betting on when you are most likely to spot you. Casino.org, an independent provider of reviews and information about online casinos, posts the ratings on its website. It even includes a story of mysterious spaceship dating from 1440 BC.

California alone has reported more than 23,400 UFO sightings since 1940, though the odds of seeing a strange flying object are highest in Wyoming and Vermont.


Whether you live in a state that is good for extraterrestrial space vehicles or not, people who spot suspicious objects in the sky will take a picture or take a video – and there is a good chance that the content will become viral. Here are some strange "UFO observations" that have spread online in recent years.

Myrtle Beach, S.C.

A photographer who was preparing a time-lapse video of a thunderstorm in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, in August, was shocked to discover mysterious lights hovering over the dock in the images.

The video, which was first shared with UFO Stalker – a UFO-centered website, was posted on YouTube a month later with a caption stating that a "massive spaceship" was flying over the beach .

"I was taking pictures at the edge of a long pier at night, so there were no reflective surfaces around." I did not notice the objects until [I] went home and checked the photo and video, "wrote the photographer, unidentified, on the UFO website.

Norman Lake, N.C.

A very fragile video of what many have dubbed a UFO flying over Lake Norman in North Carolina went viral at the end of May.

"I was at work in 2018 at 10:30 am It had been raining all morning, the rain finally stopped and we went to get a boat to [L]ake [N]orman .. When I got to the corner, I saw this thing sitting very close to us, "said Jason Swing, who posted the video on YouTube on May 29, subtitled the minute.

Critics wondered if the curious flying object was simply a big drone or an airship – some having noticed that a Goodyear airship had been sighted in the air as a result of a NASCAR race.

The manufacturing company later confirmed that they were the culprit.

"We do not want to block a good story, but it's really us," wrote the account Goodyear Blimp, according to the Daily Mail. "We left the Charlotte area on 5/29 after covering the Coke 600."

Blue Hills Reservation, Mass.

UFO hunters found themselves stranded for hours in the Blue Hills in Massachusetts in June 2017 after going on-site for a UFO search mission. The group of three was found a few hours later and they did not return empty handed.

Ramona DiFrancesco, a member of the group, told the Singular Fortean Society that they had spotted several UFOs while they were lost in the hills.

"We saw a couple, we saw some that we have never seen before.We saw that one light, well, we saw these two ships that have these bright spotlights, and then we saw this thing strange orb who was like a kind of projector, "DiFrancesco, then aged 18, said to the paranormal organization.

The teenager then showed a local news channel a photo of the glowing object she had captured.

International Space Station

A disk-shaped light ray could be seen disappearing in space in a video uploaded by UFO conspiracy theorist Tyler Glockner in May 2017.

Glockner claimed in a video that the mysterious explosion of light was a UFO crossing the International Space Station "at a very high speed", adding that it was "as if she knew the camera was watching".

At the time, NASA was not directly interested in Glockner's video, but said that the object was probably a "distortion in a lens" and did not mean the presence of An extraterrestrial life.

Dayton, Ohio

A 13-minute video broadcast on YouTube sparked rumors about extraterrestrials outside a military base in Dayton, Ohio, in May 2016.

A mysterious flying object was seen coming out of the clouds near Wright-Patterson Air Base.

A couple who lives near the base captured what they said was a UFO from their home. The video clip eventually landed in the hands of Glockner aforementioned, who described the sighting as "staggering".

"There is no doubt in my mind that it is an extraterrestrial craft or a very very strange UAV – which I highly doubt," he said. to the Mirror. "[It could also be] an alien spacecraft with artificial mechanics that is being tested by a black project at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. "

Chris Ciaccia of Fox News contributed to this report.

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