5 things for September 25: Rod Rosenstein, Brett Kavanaugh, Florence flooding, Dallas police firing


Here is what you need to know for Be up to the door.



In a few days, the number of charges against Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh increased from one to two or more. On Monday night, lawyer Michael Avenatti said he had new information regarding another allegation that he will release soon. This is in addition to the initial charges brought by Christine Blasey Ford, and a second by Deborah Ramirez, who alleges that Kavanaugh has been exposed to her at a party while they both frequented each other. Yale. Kavanaugh is defended on Monday in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee. "These are smears, pure and simple," he wrote about the charges against him. He also granted an unprecedented interview (to a Supreme Court candidate) to Fox News.


Trump and South Korean President Moon Jae-in signed a new US-South Korean trade deal. The signing took place after a bilateral meeting Monday afternoon at the United Nations. Mr Trump said the deal was "fair and reciprocal" and that it would reduce both the US trade deficit and the export opportunities of US products to South Korea including automobiles, drugs and agricultural products. Overall, it was a hectic day for trade relations with the United States: the agreement reached with South Korea took place the same day that the United States and China clashed.
South Korean leader Moon Jae-In and President Donald Trump on Monday celebrate a trade signature pact.


Yes, Florence continues to make life in hell for the Carolinas. Authorities in Georgetown County, South Carolina, are urging thousands to evacuate before the historic floods in the area. The county is located at the intersection of three rivers, all swollen by the deluges of Florence. Parts of Georgetown County will see at least 10 feet of flood, forecasters say. Key words: at least. The flood should begin today and last the entire weekend. Authorities fear that flooding, among other unsuccessful infrastructure damage, will take portions of bridges connecting some rivers.


Amber Guyger, the police officer accused of manslaughter gunshot at the death of Botham Shem Jean in his Dallas apartment, was fired Monday. The Dallas police reportedly told the Jean family's lawyer that the dismissal had taken some time because the department had to consider the effect this would have on the criminal allegations against Guyger. In the criminal case, the Dallas County Attorney said that a grand jury could accuse Guyger of a more serious crime than manslaughter. Guyger, who is white, shot Jean, who is black, on September 6 after entering his apartment. She said that she thought it was her apartment and that Jean was an intruder.


"We often witness an increase in the number of calls when stories of sexual assault are on the front page."

National Network of Rape, Abuse and Incest Sara McGovernwho said phone calls to sexual assault increased 57 percent after Kavanaugh's allegations.


People talk about it. Read. Join to.

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Bill Cosby condemning

The 81-year-old comedian will have one last chance to take his case to court before a Pennsylvania judge sentences him to three counts of aggravated indecent assault during drug and drug trafficking. Sexual assault of 2004. The prosecutors asked the judge to sentence him to five to ten years in prison.



The percentage of Americans who say they have a favorable opinion of the Republican Party, according to a new Gallup poll. This is the most favorable view of the party since January 2011.


It's just a giant cat, guys

This cat has been around for a while, but looking at it once is never enough. I have to watch it 100 times, I guess. (Click here to view.)
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