GOP agrees to give accuser Kavanaugh more time on his testimony

The controversial debate between Christine Blasey Ford and the Republicans in the Judiciary Committee of the Senate begins the weekend after Ford's lawyers asked Friday for an extra day to determine whether she would testify against Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh. A Ford attorney, who accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting him when they were teenagers, says Republicans have caused him "tremendous and unjustified anguish and stress" by setting a deadline Friday to meet the conditions. from his testimony on a Monday vote on Kavanaugh's confirmation. Committee Chair Chuck Grassley of R-Iowa granted Ford an extension on Friday night. Kavanaugh denied the accusation.

Florence Suite: Severe floods put the Carolinas in danger

The devastating floods in the Carolinas continue to pose a serious threat as the trillion liters of water spilled by Hurricane Florence wind their way into the sea. As the crisis unfolded in South Carolina emergencies ordered thousands of people to leave their homes and get out of the Lynches River. The National Meteorological Service said the river could reach record levels of flooding late Saturday or early Sunday and that shelters are open. Speaking in Las Vegas on Friday, President Donald Trump said South Carolina would be "difficult."

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It is autumn, you are! The autumn equinox signals the end of the summer

Our summer finally ends, at least astronomically. Autumn arrives in the northern hemisphere at 21:54 ET Saturday night, when the sun appears directly above the equator, marking the autumnal equinox. (Below the equator in the southern hemisphere, we talk about spring equinox or spring and early spring). On the equinoxes, day and night last about 12 hours over most of the world. While many say that the autumn equinox is the "official" start of the fall, meteorologists and climatologists say that the summer has ended on August 31, last day of the hottest three months of the year (June, July and August).

The museum exhibition illuminates the dress codes of Muslim women

At the first major museum exhibition of its kind, San Francisco's Young Museum is hosting a show that explores the nature of Muslim women's dress codes and fashion. "Contemporary Muslim Fashions" opens Saturday with about 80 sets of nearly 60 designers from around the world. The people behind the exhibition hope to elicit a deeper understanding of Muslim women at a time when they are often targeted for their clothing choices. Denmark has recently banned sails in public, claiming that this measure is essential for public safety. Austria, Belgium and France have similar laws.


A new exhibition in San Francisco aims to show the diversity and creativity of modern fashion for Muslim women. The designs are dynamic, elegant and playful, ranging from high-end couture to sassy streetwear. (September 21st)

Tour Championship: Can Tiger keep up?

Tiger Woods is again in a good position to end a winless drought that is now five years old. Woods scored a double against 68 in Friday's second round of the Tour Championship for a header from Justin Rose before the weekend in the FedExCup Playoffs final. Woods held at least a share of his 36-hole lead in August 2015. With many big names at the top of the standings, Woods will have a hard time hoping to clinch his first win since August 2013 and the prize FedExCup $ 10 million.

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Contributor: Associated Press

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