5 tips to beat dementia as more and more young people get sick


A growing number of young people are plagued by dementia.

According to the Alzheimer Society, some 850,000 people in the UK currently suffer from a degenerative brain disease that destroys many lives of older people.

Every three minutes, another person will be diagnosed with the condition that results in memory loss, confusion, and speech problems.

Equally alarming, an increasing number of young people are succumbing to the disease, with more than 40,000 people under the age of 65 in the UK.

In 2016, 53-year-old Clare Daley became the leading cause of death in the UK, surpassing heart disease.

Eat a healthier breakfast

She said, "But this is happening in the youngest and youngest, with studies in Mexico that have shown that changes in the brain associated with Alzheimer's

She warned that stress, lack of exercise and diet can all affect the health of your brain. She believes that we should try to prevent the cognitive decline of our teens.

Clare said, "The sooner people start to take care of their brain health the better. It's never too late to make changes.

Here are his best tips.

Table Tennis And Dance

The World Health Organization (WHO) said more than a third of British adults do not exercise enough, which increases the risk of dementia.

But instead of running, Clare recommends playing a sport that helps you exercise your body and brain.

She said, "A more complicated exercise is the best, like table tennis or dancing.

Breakfast better

Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day, so fill it with nutrients and nutrients that can help keep the brain healthy.

Blueberries have plenty of antioxidants and can be sprinkled on oatmeal, while nuts are rich in healthy fats. Dark chocolate containing over 70% cocoa is also good for the brain.

Clare said, "A bowl of blueberries at breakfast helps improve concentration and memory until five hours later, and research shows that children who eat them at breakfast have a

Change TV shows

Getting enough of the closed eye is essential for keeping a brain healthy, as that is when the brain resets itself and recovers. Stress has a negative effect on our brain. A key hormone released when you are stressed, cortisol, has been associated with memory problems. Stress also affects the immune system, which plays an important role in the development of dementia.

Clare suggests looking at less topical dramas that can put you to bed and try out nature shows, such as David Attenborough, to reduce stress.

Write a happiness journal

Even focusing on the positive aspects of the day by writing a journal of happiness or gratitude can reduce stress. Clare said, "Keep a notebook near your bed and at the end of the day, write three good things.

"Even if you had a garbage day, you have to find three good things. It puts your brain in a positive frame before you sleep. "

Sing loud

It will raise your mood and stimulate a nerve connecting your brain to your gut.

A healthy gut is essential in the fight against dementia because Harvard researchers have discovered that intestinal bacteria can cause brain inflammation caused by dementia.

Clare said, "Gargling and singing loudly stimulates Vagas nerve, and doing exercises can support your brain and your gut. Singing loudly also releases endorphins and other happy chemicals into the brain. "

■ Clare works for Cytoplan supplements that launched the brain health program to improve cognition, memory and mood. See thebrainhealthprogramme.co.uk.

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