5-year-old boy dying of cancer writes his Obit: "See Ya later, Suckas!


Garrett Matthias took his cancer in a unique way and the brave 5-year-old boy took the same approach to his death.

The boy from Iowa died on July 6 but he still lives through his obituary that he wrote Garrett was suffering from a rare form of cancer and, while his parents, Emilie and Ryan, hoping that he would survive, in June they were told the devastating news that his cancer was deadly

. Determined to help his little boy remember as simply as he lived, the couple started asking him questions.

These questions now form his touching and hilarious obituary that is even signed, "See you later, suckas! – The Great Garrett Underpants."

In addition to loving being nicknamed "The Great Garrett Underpants", Garrett loved superheroes, thrash metal and his sister, reveals his homage.

"The things I love the most: Playing with my sister, my blue rabbit, the thrash metal, Legos, my friends at the daycare, Batman and when they've fallen asleep before I get to sleep. they are accessing my port, "says the 5-year-old.

  Ryan and Emilie Matthias with their son, Garrett

Ryan and Emilie Matthias with their son, Garrett

As for what he hated, "Pants!, Dirty stupid cancer, when they access my wearing, needles, and the monkey nose that smells like cherry farts … I do like the mint monkey nose like to Mayo Radiation and this guy who helped me build Legos (Randy. "

Knowing that he was sick, Garrett also expressed what he wanted to do after his death.

"When I die: I'm going to be a gorilla and throw a poop to daddy!" Garrett said, adding that he hated "Pants!, Dirty stupid cancer, when they access my port, needles and monkey nose that smells like cherry. "

Garrett was also open on his funeral, saying," The funeral is sad: I want 5 inflatable houses (because I'm 5 years old) As he loved Thor so much he also decided that he wanted "to be burned (as when Thor's mother died) and turned into a tree so that I could live there when I am a gorilla."


Emilie and Ryan will honor the last wishes of their son by organizing a Celebration of Life on July 14th with almost all his requests.

They noted in the obituary that there was "a symbolic Asgardian burial ceremony and fires. artifice will take place just after sunset "with a private burial held at a da "After her parents understand how to heck up her ashes in a tree and locate a nature reserve, so that her tree resides in a protected area. "

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Daycare Garrett has helped the family find five inflatable houses to celebrate his life, and will also include snow cones, fireworks and other carnival-themed festivities, according to the registry. Des Moines

A neighbor of the family offered his pond to float a small boat while they were renting Emilie told the newspaper that she and her husband had spoken to Garrett about death after watching a sad movie

"I would say things like," When I die, I want to become a star, "she said. He said, "I want to be burned like Thor and then I want to become a gorilla. "

When it was necessary to write down her answers to their questionnaire, Emilie said that they" really tried to use her words, and the way he spoke. "

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" Garrett was an individual, "she added. "What I really did not want was that his obituary be ordinary and that the funeral be really sad." Garrett suffered from stage 4 alveolar fusion negative rhabdomyosarcoma (ARMS), which is a rare form of cancer. that affected Garrett's temporal bone, the cranial nerve and the inner ear, according to a GoFundMe created for him.Although not always being terminal, unfortunately in the case of Garrett, his cancer became resistant to treatment and spread even further.

Despite this, his parents were saying at the end of the touching homage, Garrett never lost his sense of humor and continued to make jokes. "From whoopy [sic] cushions and clothespins on their clothes for" hazing "trainees and new staff doctors, he's always been a joker," added his parents. "Nothing surprised people like his response to & # 39; we see you later alligator & # 39; : See you later, suckas! – The big Garrett slip. "

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