6 brothers and sisters of the deputy approve of the opponent


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New opposition campaign announcements featuring six siblings denouncing the re-election of their brother, US Representative Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., Have highlighted the crisis of family political conflict that appears to be taking place. be intensified under the leadership of President Donald Trump.

In a video, his brother David Gosar says, "We have to defend our reputation, it's not what we are."

The Gosar family and countless other people of the Trump era were stung by the situation. As a nation, it redefines the scope of what is right in politics.

"The morals and ethics of these brothers and sisters have, so to speak, pretty much beaten what would normally be a family's loyalty, and that's something that needs to be applauded in the hope that this will happen. will spread across America to know the answer to the question. "What will America represent?" Said political strategist Peter Emerson.

Last year, seven of Gosar's ten siblings wrote a letter to the Kingman Daily Miner newspaper in Kingman, Ariz., To say that they were "shocked" by the idea of ​​"the day". a plot according to which the liberal financier George Soros would have survived the Holocaust. with the Nazis.

In August, a generational conflict erupted when the outgoing chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., Tweeted, "I have just given the maximum donation allowed" to Jennifer Lewis, a Democrat who present at the Congress.

The next day, Bobby Goodlatte, a Silicon Valley investor, launched a tweet criticizing his father's role in dismissing FBI agent Peter Strzok.

"I am deeply embarrassed that Peter Strzok's career was ruined by my father's political attitude," he wrote.

In Newport, R.I., a father and son expressed their differing views on Donald Trump during the election campaign by running for a seat in Congress. David Quiroa Sr., 47, presents himself as a Republican, and David Quiroa Jr., 22, presents himself as an independent. They live under the same roof.

Nicholas Wisconsin, a US Senate candidate, criticized his parents in an article published in July by Fox News. Michael and Donna Nicholson each gave the maximum they could legally – $ 2,700 – to his Democratic opponent, Senator Tammy Baldwin.

The candidate described the donations as "an intentional personal blow that made headlines across the country".

In a statement released on Saturday, Paul Gosar criticized his siblings – who he says live outside Arizona – for using "family political differences to launch attacks on me rather than focusing on problems".

He concluded his statement with the promise to unite, if only physically, with his brothers and sisters: "To the six angry democrats, Gosars, at the house of dad and mom!"

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