6 children of MN diagnosed with a rare disorder resembling polio


Six children in Minnesota have been diagnosed with a rare but potentially serious health problem that can lead to weakness and even paralysis of the arms and legs.

According to the Minnesota Department of Health, all six cases have been classified as acute flaccid myelitis and have been reported in children under 10 living in twin cities, central and northeastern Minnesota.

Some viruses that can cause FMD are polioviruses and non-polio enteroviruses.

The MDH has contacted doctors in the region to be on the lookout for similar cases as local investigators are actively working to gather more information.

It is known that the disease strikes the nervous system through the spinal cord. Symptoms may include sudden weakness of the arms and legs, drooping eyelids, facial weakness, difficulty moving the eyes, and slurred speech / difficulty swallowing.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that the disease was not new, but that a recent influx of cases in 2014 (mainly in California and Colorado) had been associated with the spread of the disease. an enterovirus called EVD68. Minnesota has witnessed three cases of MFA during this year. However, since then, officials say they usually see only one case a year.

If your child has MFA symptoms, you should contact your health care provider immediately.

Currently, there is no specific treatment for the AFM, but doctors can recommend certain interventions, as appropriate.

The MDH recommends that parents take basic steps to avoid infections and stay healthy:

– Wash your hands frequently

– Cover your cough

– Stay at home if you're sick

– Stay up to date on vaccinations

– Protect your children from mosquito bites if you are outside

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