6 key moments of Peter Strzok's crazy audition


FBI agent Peter Strzok had a very hot moment on Thursday morning in a controversial hearing that quickly turned into angry cries, interjections and parliamentary maneuvers

. Strzok sought to explain his anti-Trump text messages at a time when he was the chief investigator on the FBI's Russia Survey in 2016. He was removed from the investigation in 2017 after these messages. with his colleague Lisa Page, with whom he had an affair, was discovered. Republicans including President Trump seized Strzok's texts – which included hints to arrest Trump – as evidence of a biased and even corrupt law enforcement investigation.

Here are the key moments of the audience up to now, and we will update this post as the audience progresses.

1. The subpoena dispute

It did not take long for the hearing to break out. After the opening statements, Trey Gowdy (RS.C.), Chair of the House Oversight Committee, asked his first question: How many people interviewed Strok during the first eight days of the FBI's Russian investigation between July 31 and August 8, 2016? 19659007] Strzok, as he predicted in his opening statement, stated that he had been informed by the FBI's lawyers that he was not to address the details of what is still an ongoing investigation. (The investigation was entrusted to the special advocate Robert S. Mueller III in mid-2017). The Republicans quickly opposed and threatened Strzok with contempt. Democrats noted that it was unusual for Strzok to be asked to disclose such details in a public setting.

Strzok said that he did not have to answer the question because, despite the assignment by the committee, he had already said that he would speak voluntarily

" Mr. President, I do not think I am here under subpoena, "said Mr. Strzok," I believe I am here voluntarily. … On that basis, I will not answer that question. "

Democrats argued that a witness such as Strzok should not publicly disclose sensitive information like the plan for a hydrogen bomb." Another proposed to adjourn the hearing less than an hour after its opening.

The chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the House, Robert Goodlatte (R-Va.), finally declared that Strzok would be recalled to the committee after the day's hearing. to hold him in contempt But the tone was given.

2. Strzok's angry response: "It's deeply destructive"

After more than 20 minutes of maneuvering and postures after the discussion, Gowdy ended his interrogation of Strzok and Strzok was given the floor to respond.In a one-minute retort, he described the allegations of bias and inappropriate actions of Gowdy and his Republican allies as "deeply destructive"

He said that his critical messages on Trump shortly after the start of the investigation were in response to Trump's behavior. the election campaign – not the reflection of his intention to investigate. He particularly pointed to Trump's attacks on the Khans, a Gold Star family who spoke at the National Democratic Convention at that time

"My presumption [was] based on this horrible and disgusting behavior that the American people "Elects someone demonstrating this behavior to be president of the United States," he said. "This was by no means, unequivocally, any suggestion that I, the FBI, would do anything to improperly influence the electoral process for any candidate, so I take a great offense. "

Strzok has concluded the accusation against him and the line of questioning" profoundly corrodes what the FBI is in American society, the effectiveness of their mission, and it is deeply destructive. "Some in the room applauded.

The Threat of Transcription

One of the intrigues here has been the Democrats' push to publish the transcript of Strzok's previous in camera testimony. They argue that it has been disclosed and described selectively to attack it.

Thus, at some point early in the hearing, the representative David N. Cicilline (DR.I.) said that he intended to publish the transcript himself . there was a reason he could not. Goodlatte pointed out that it was the practice of the committee and that there was an agreement to keep private in camera hearings during an investigation.

Cicilline's response: "We intend to publish this transcript unless someone presents a rule and we will give it to you this afternoon to present it," he said. "Otherwise, we intend to publish the transcript."

Finally, Cicilline received support from GOP representative Mark Meadows (NC), who is the head of the Conservative House Freedom Caucus.

It's worth noting Goodlatte's rationale – that the committee's investigation is ongoing – was the same as that proposed by Mr. Strzok for not answering questions about the survey's investigation. Special advocate on Russia.In the latter case, apparently, the Republicans do not think that this applies.

4. Making him read his own texts

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) Took his five minutes to force Strzok to read some of his own texts – including those that used vulgarities.

Reading the one in which he used the word F when speaking of Trump, Strzok paused. and asked how he should handle it, and then finish. Then Issa asked him to read it again

"Sir, was not that intelligible?" Said Strzok. "You just want to hear – for me to repeat it."

"Please," Issa says.

"Of course, sir, of course," Strzok stridently retorted. "Happy to please you."

5. The Promise of Purple Heart

The difference between the lines of questioning between Republicans and Democrats was, as usual, striking. While Republicans were harassing Strzok and trying to catch him off guard, Democrats mostly used their time to argue about the importance of the Mueller investigation

but some Democrats decided to go further. and to make Strzok a martyr – or even a hero. Representative Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) Went the furthest.

Strzok, if I could give you a purple heart, I would, "said Cohen when he began his interrogation.

To recap, Strzok was removed from the Mueller investigation and severely criticized by An Inspector General It is generally accepted that his text messages were problematic, regardless of whether you think it reflects corruption and prejudice in all law enforcement agencies or in the Mueller probe

. Visual Aids

During his opening remarks, the Democratic House Leader's Elijah E. Cummings (MD) monitoring committee claimed that the Republicans were trying to close a successful investigation. asserted that Mueller should "put an end to hell."

Cummings noted the guilty pleas already made by Robert S. Mueller III, and he provided visual aids to argue this point. These are not allegations, they are admissions, "said Cummings. Someone from the committee objected at one point, but the visual aids were allowed to stay.

Later, representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Tex.) Showed a similar visual, reproaching Paul Manafort, former president of Trump. shot of the cup released. Manafort did not plead guilty like the others, but he is awaiting trial and has been imprisoned for falsifying witnesses

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