6 questions left by season 9, episode 2


The dead who walk season 9 episode 2, "The Bridge" left us big questions. Despite being only a few episodes in, The dead who walkThe last round of was incredibly rich in events and radically different. After 18 months, Alexandria and its surrounding communities work together and thrive, while Rick Grimes seeks to reestablish some sort of civilization in the midst of the zombie apocalypse.

However, the road to reach this goal has been far from simple. In The dead who walk First episode of Season 9, a series of routine supplies ended with the death of Ken, a very damned newcomer. Then, as Rick and Michonne discussed the reintroduction of the rule of law, Maggie had her political rival, Gregory, executed for an assassination attempt. Life was not easier for Rick in Season 9, Episode 2 this week, with escalating tensions on Hilltop and Sanctuary that escalated during the band's mission of rebuilding a bridge and to trade commercial shipments mysteriously en route. At least Jerry has a girlfriend though.

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While the second payment of The dead who walk Season 9 has certainly been rich in events, it has also raised a number of relevant issues and developed some pre-existing mysteries. Here are the 6 most pressing unanswered questions from the episode.

Formerly Helicopter Secret – What's really going on?

The mystery of the current helicopter returns in The dead who walk. Last season, Rick Grimes saw an airborne helicopter and was naturally puzzled as to who could pilot such a vehicle during the apocalypse. Shortly after, it was revealed that Scavenger group leader, Jadis, was tied to the enigmatic helicopter, with a line of communication with the person or people flying it and a landing heliport located in his former Junkyard colony.

The episode of this week confirmed that, even though formerly, or Anne, as she now calls, joined Rick's group, she did not reveal her secrets to them. After a night of passion with Father Gabriel (who, considering the way he came out of nowhere, is a mystery in itself), Jadis again saw a helicopter hovering in the night sky and seemed to be concerned about his presence. The real story about this scene is the worried reaction of Jadis. Clearly, she and the owners of the helicopter were allied at one point, why would she be so worried about seeing them now?

The dead who walkThe mystery of the helicopter will probably still be heard and, although this latest development only serves to create new questions, it also reminds viewers of this ongoing story and reassures them that a explanation is in progress.

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Who attacks the saviors?

The most important new issue raised in "The Bridge" is who exactly is behind the disappearances and attacks on various members of the Saviors. No one was surprised to find that Rick Grimes' revolution was not widespread, and that this discontent caused some members of the group to abandon the bridge construction project. None of them has made it alive and, to make matters worse, a shipment of ethanol from the Sanctuary has also disappeared.

At first, suspicions could turn to The dead who walk Whisperers, the announced antagonists of season 9, are known in comics to attack their enemies sneakily and silently. However, this does not explain why only Saviors are targeted and the reaction of Justin during the final scene is not that of a man who has just been faced with an assailant wearing zombie skin; it seemed that he knew his attacker.

There are some characters in The dead who walk who might want to get rid of unruly saviors. Daryl would be the most obvious because someone who clearly thinks that the group should have been slaughtered. Carol is another suspect, given her history of brutality and her new role as sanctuary leader. Or a Savior such as Alden, who desperately wants to partner with Rick, could he try to eliminate the most troublesome members of his own group?

Read more: The undead: who, in our opinion, kills the saviors

Can Daryl live in Rick's world?

Whether or not Daryl is responsible for the Savior's attacks remains to be seen, but regardless of the outcome, a considerable question mark still hangs over his ability to reintegrate into the civilized world. Daryl is a wild survivor energized by the post-apocalyptic landscape and openly admits that he would rather survive on the road with a small group of trusted friends than live in a large, safe and prosperous community. Tragically, the more Rick develops his new world, the more the gap between him and Daryl seems to worsen.

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Under normal circumstances, this conflict of views may indicate an imminent removal of the main group for Norman Reedus's character. However, it is Rick Lincoln from Andrew Lincoln who has been confirmed as leaving the series. This might suggest that rather than giving in to his instinct, Rick's outburst will require Daryl to manage his problems, to settle in and to fully join in the civilization rebuilding effort. Aaron's reply that Daryl is a good father probably teased this.

Page 2 of 2: Other issues of Walking Dead Season 9, Episode 2

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