64 truly remarkable lines from Donald Trump's supernatural post-election press conference


Trump seemed totally indifferent to the loss of one of the congressional chambers by his party. He focused instead on reading the names of Republican members of the House who refused to embrace (and lose) and argued with reporters. I went through the transcript of all and took out the best lines. They are below.

1. "It was a big day yesterday – amazing day."

2. "Media coverage has set a new record and a new standard."

It does not mean that as a compliment. In addition, a new record for what? Negativity? How is this quantifiable?

3. "This vigorous campaign has stopped the blue wave they talked about."

The Democrats took control of the House. And are likely to win more than 30 seats. I do not know how we define a "wave", but I tend to think that a gain of 30 or more seats that would overturn the House's control would meet the standards of most people.

4. "This election is the Senate's biggest victory for the President's party in a first mid-term election since at least that of President Kennedy in 1962."

Correct! The Democrats won three seats in Kennedy's first mid-term election, the same number Trump seems to have won. The Republicans won two Senate seats in 1970 in the first half of Richard Nixon and a seat in the mid-term in 2002 by George W. Bush.

5. "We also won a series of historic victories in governing races – governors' races were incredible – against very well financed, talented and competent Democrat candidates, and people who worked very, very hard – with respect – – for the candidates, like Oprah Winfrey, that I like. "

This sentence took a turn at the end, right? Why did Trump mention Oprah? Because she campaigned with Stacey Abrams in Georgia?

6. "By expanding our majority in the Senate, voters have also clearly reprimanded Senate Democrats for their management of Kavanaugh audiences – this was a factor, I think may be a very important factor, in the way it has been managed. "

That could have been a factor, but, at least according to exit polls, not as Trump suggests. Forty-three percent of respondents said they supported Kavanaugh's confirmation in the Supreme Court, while 47% disagreed. Now, among those who supported Kavanaugh's confirmation, 87 percent voted for Republicans in the House. So, Trump might be right that Kavanaugh activated the GOP database. But it is not right to say that voters have "clearly reprimanded" Senate Democrats for voting against Kavanaugh. (All except Joe Manchin, of course.)

7. "Some decided otherwise:" Let's stay away. Let's stay away. "They played very badly, I'm not sure to be happy or sad, but I feel good."

This is how the party's remarks begin to address Republican deputies who refuse to kiss Trump.

8. "But Mia Love did not give me love.And she lost.Oh Sorry, Mia."

[narrator voice] He is not sorry at all.

9. "I think she could have won this race, but she did not want to have a hug."

Trump is talking about future representative Barbara Comstock (R-Va.). And no, Comstock would not have won by welcoming Trump's "hug". She would almost certainly have lost by more.

10. "Peter Roskam did not want to hug. Erik Paulsen did not want to hug him."

"L & # 39; embrace." It's one thing.

11. "We had tremendous support, and considerable support from the Republican Party, one of the most important supporters of the party's history." I heard 93% , it's a record, but I will not say that, because who knows? "

It's the essence of Trump's verbal gymnastics. He launches the idea, then he claims it, then he says that other people are saying it, but he does not really know it. What world.

12. "Let's hope we can all work together next year to continue delivering products to the American people, particularly with respect to economic growth, infrastructure, trade and lower prescription drug costs. "

Trump offers here at least one rhetorical olive branch to the Democrats. And he's right to say that with respect to infrastructure and cost-cutting prescription drugs, he and the Democrats might well find a common goal.

13. "You know, I keep hearing about investigations, of fatigue, like from the moment – almost since I announced that I was going to run, they tired us up this investigation. It's been a long time since they have anything, zero.You know why? Because there is nothing. "

Wait, who is the "they" here? The democrats? If Trump talks about the investigation of Russia, it goes through his ministry of justice. And the probe is led by Robert Mueller, a Republican. So….

14. "But they can play this game, but we can play better, because we have a thing called the US Senate, and a lot of very questionable things have been done, between leaking classified information and many other things that should not have happened. "

Yes, it's a threat, directed against the Democrats as they reinforce their oversight role of the Trump White House after their victory in the House. Right now.

15. "Then we can look at each other, they can look at us, then we can look at them and it will come and go, and it will probably be very good for me politically.I could see that it is extremely good politically, because that I think I'm better at this game than they really are. "

He says the quiet part aloud.

16. "By the way, you can not do them at the same time, just know that if someone says," You can do them, "no, you can not, because they do it, we do not do the other, just so you understand. "

I really do not understand.

17. "We want crystal clear water, we want a perfect and perfect air, the air and the water must be perfect."

The perfect air is the best air. Many people say it.

18. "So the environment is very important to me."

Environment. So important.

19. "I talk to Democrats all the time, they agree that a wall is needed, a wall is needed."

I find it hard to believe that Democrats are telling Trump that the wall on the southern border is necessary.

20. "We are building the wall, we have started."

On Tuesday night, the building will be walled up at least after the 2020 elections. There is a 0% chance that House Democrats will support significant federal spending for a border wall.

21. "I would rather answer that at a slightly different time."

That was Trump's answer about whether he would dismiss Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. The news was reported later in the day. The chief of staff, John Kelly, had dismissed Sessions, an information that Trump likely knew by addressing the media.

22. "As I told you, they are the subject of an audit, they have been for a long time, they are extremely complex, people would not understand them."

In summary, here are the reasons why Trump refuses to publish their tax returns: a) they are under audit and b) they are too complex to be understood by a normal person. On the first reason, nothing prevents anyone from publishing verified tax returns. On the second, maybe he should do a little more confidence in the intelligence of the American public?

23. "They are treated by – among the largest and the best law firms in the country.The same thing for accounting firms, accountants are a very, very big and powerful firm from the point of view of respect."

What I am asking: Why is it related to the question of whether or not the president will publish his tax returns if they are run by "a very, very big and powerful company"?

24. "But it's big, it's complex and it's probably a few feet away, it's a very complex instrument, and I think people would not understand it."

So, Donald Trump says his taxes are a very complicated instrument, at the height of the feet. Also, big. Okey Dokey!

25. "No one returns a statement when it is being checked."

Except that Richard Nixon did exactly that in 1973.

26. "And I think I know more – and I think I know more than they know."

What is Trump talking about here? Is it really important?

27. "The survey on Russia does not worry me because it's a hoax."

[narrator voice] This is not true.

28. "You're a very rude person, the way you treat Sarah Huckabee is horrible and the way you treat others is horrible, you should not treat people this way."

That's Donald Trump who is talking to my CNN colleague, Jim Acosta. And, yes, it is rich that President Trump decries someone for being rude or mistreating people.

29. "You are not – you are not the best."

Only the President of the United States told NBC White House reporter Peter Alexander that he was not great. Very normal stuff!

30. "When you report false information – what CNN does often – you are the enemy of the people."

ALWAYS remember this: when Trump says "fake news", you should hear it as "news that does not suit me". Which, of course, does not make it wrong.

31. "We won a lot of elections last night, we did very well last night and I think it will have a very positive impact."

It's Trump's answer to a question of knowing he was dividing the country with his rhetoric. And yes, his answer does not make sense. Unless you consider that, for him, winning is everything – and justifies everything.

32. "This is an investigation in which many millions of dollars were spent and there was no collusion, it was supposed to be collusion." There is no collusion and I think it's – I think it's very bad for our country, I'll tell you, I think it's a shame. "

A few hours after giving this answer, Trump dismissed Sessions and appointed Matt Whitaker as Acting Attorney General. Whitaker, who has openly criticized Mueller's investigation in the past, should now oversee the investigation. Which is entirely logical.

33. "Sit down, I did not call you, I did not call you, I did not call you."

In which the President of the United States orders April Ryan from American Urban Radio Networks to sit down. (Ryan is also a contributor to CNN.)

34. "I do not understand what you say, what?"

It's Donald Trump who tells Nadia Bilbassy-Charters, correspondent at Al Arabiya of Washington, that he does not understand what she's saying.

35. "Well, I think the results I've learned – and maybe confirm – I think people like me better.I think people like the work I do, frankly. "

The Democrats took control of the House.

36. "I could fire everyone now."

Donald Trump about the investigation on Russia – just hours before informing the world, via tweet, that he had sacked the Attorney General. Not disturbing at all!

37. "I stay away, but you know what I'm doing, I let him go on, they're wasting a lot of money, but I'm letting him go on, because I do not want to do that." you're right, I could end it right now.I could say: 'This inquiry is over.'

He really could not. But as I said, not at all disturbing!

38. "It is – it's really – it's a shame, frankly.And it's an embarrassment for our country.It's an embarrassment for the people of our country and it's too bad. "

To be clear: Donald Trump is talking about an investigation by a special attorney from the Justice Ministry who is trying to get to the bottom of an active campaign of measures led by Russia to interfere in them. elections of 2016.

39. "I'm just going to push in. I've pushed in. I've also done a very good job. They're very happy with me."

This is Trump's answer on how he intends to fulfill his commitment as a candidate for the anti-abortion presidency. Yes really.

40. "And we have worked very hard on China and Russia and all the others who are considering our elections or getting involved in our elections."

This directly contradicts the fact that Trump repeatedly undermined the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections. Directly.

41. "In fact, I had a very good meeting in Russia with which you did not agree, but that's okay, it does not matter of course. "

At that meeting, Trump said that America and Russia were to blame for any alleged interference by Russia in the 2016 election. In doing so, he sided with the president Russian Vladimir Putin about his own intelligence community.

42. "It was the regime of President Obama.It was during President Obama, is not it? It was not during me."

Trump here seems to not want to acknowledge that Putin has annexed Crimea, not Obama. Yes, that happened while Obama was president. But that's about all the extent of the role played by Obama.

43. "To be honest – I'll be honest, I thought it was a – I thought it was a very close victory to complete victory."

The Democrats took control of the House.

44. "But if you look at things from the point of view of traffic jams, I really think there will be a lot less because of the way it's going, than in any other way"

[nods head slowly but steadily]

45. "I am surprised by many people, they are starting, they are young, they have been there for two years and they are old when they leave."

More real words have never been spoken.

46. ​​"I mean, we have a lot of people lined up for each position – all the positions – everybody wants to work in this White House."

This is not true. The White House struggled for months as the director of communications, because no one at this level within the GOP wanted the job. Trump eventually hired Bill Shine, a former Fox News executive, to fill the position.

47. "I'd like to see unity, peace, love and any other word you want to use."

"What's so funny in peace, love and understanding?" – Elvis Costello

48. "Nothing surprises me in politics."


49. "I would be very good in a low voice."

Yep. Your low. The best.

50- 51. "I would like to do very very toned."

"I would love to have a very same, modest and boring tone.I would be very honored with that."

An incredible verse. Shakespearean, almost.

52. "I – I do not … I do not really understand you."

The President of the United States to a Japanese reporter.

53. "I think I am a great moral leader and I love our country."

And humble, to start!

54. "Now, what's bad for them, it's to be in the majority, I'm going to blame them.You understand, I'm going to blame them.They are the majority.Honely, it makes me a lot simpler things . "

He says the quiet part aloud. Again.

55. "I – look, now that the elections are over, the elections are over, now everyone is in love."

No words.

56. "You know what, when you get bored, could you tell me please … Seriously, tell me."

This is a deep insight into Trump. He wants to make sure that he always entertains the journalists. Because to bother, it's death for him. And because he likes to train with reporters.

57. "It's such a racist question."

The president's answer to this question, from PBI's Yamiche Alcindor, who is African-American: "During the election campaign, you called yourself a nationalist, and some saw it as emboldening the white nationalists, and now people are saying that too. .. "

58. "Why do I count among the highest polls among African Americans?"

[narrator voice] He does not have it. Not even close.

59. "In the case of Jeff Flake, it's me, plain and simple, I've removed it, I'm very proud of it, I've done an excellent service to the country."

It's a Republican Senator whom Donald Trump is talking about.

60. "I do not know who Lil Jon is, I do not … I really do not know."

61. "No, no, no, do I regret it?"

Trump does not regret an ad that was never broadcast on CNN and pulled by NBC and Fox News because she considered it racist. So.

62. "They said that they could not be beaten, they said that Heidi could not be beaten." Please, do not do it, they could not, it was in a year. "

Nobody – and I mean nobody – even if a Democratic senator from North Dakota could not be beaten. Heitkamp was one of the most vulnerable senators of the first day of the 2018 elections.

63. "And I'll tell you something, when you look at the races we won in Florida, which we did not expect to win, and Georgia, which we did not win, and Ohio, where we I do not think you are going to win and you have won, I mean, you look at some of them, the number of votes we got is incredible.

Trump's question was: "So what do you say to women, Mr. President?"

64. "Then I fight."

It seems like a good place to end it.

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