7 Feminist moments from the original "Murphy Brown" that highlight how the show has changed The landscape of pop culture


Before Donald Trump, politicians did not always want to criticize pop culture. But Vice President Dan Quayle called Murphy Brown for the decision of the main character to raise his child alone. In a speech about the need for America to refocus on the values ​​of its Judeo-Christian family, Mr. Quayle stated that Mr. Murphy "made fun of the importance of fathers by carrying a lone child ".

The series responded directly to Quayle in the premiere of season 5. Murphy calls Quayle FYI on the fact that his "only unacceptable definition of a family is a mother, a father and children" – a definition that she calls "painfully unjust". Murphy says, "It may be time for the Vice President to broaden his definition and recognize that, by choice or circumstance, families come in all shapes and sizes.

Murphy also recognized his own privilege in this episode – at a time when it was not really a thing. She not only defended herself and her right to raise a single child, but also for others who did not fit the traditional definition of the family.

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