7 Flu Shot Myths That Need To Be Debunked ASAP


It's the beginning of October, which means that the seasons are quickly approaching: The holiday season, and unfortunately, the beginning of the 2018-2019 flu season. Though many people do not understand the safety and efficacy of the flu shot, it is the best protection against the dangerous infection. In fact, many of the rumored side effects have been heard about the flu vaccine – like that can not be done at all. These flu shot myths contribute to misinformation about the flu, which is more likely to be influential. and who are relying on others to get rid of the spread of disease.

As fellow Bustler Mia Mercado reported last week, the CDC discovered over 80,000 people in the United States died in 2017 – the highest mortality rate in the world. Meaning, prepping ahead and protecting yourself from the flu with the vaccine is going to be crucial to staying healthy during this season. Experts have predicted that this year will be so far, so that you will have a good time, friends, and family start calling in their sick days. (Of course, you should get your vaccine Any time, even if you can not sneak it in until after December.)

If you still have concerns about the shot, here are seven myths it's time to debunk about the flu vaccine.

1The Flu Shot Is Ineffective

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Like any viral infection, the virus constantly evolves and creates new strains of illness every year. However, that does not mean that the flu vaccine is a dud. According to the CDC, "influenza immunization prevented an estimated 5.3 million influenza illnesses, 2.6 million influenza-associated medical visits, and 85,000 influenza-associated hospitalizations during the 2016-2017 influenza season."

2Healthy People Do not Need To Get The Shot

A lot of people assume that if they're typically "healthy," they do not need to get the flu shot. Unfortunately, this is not true: No one is immune to flu, so getting your shot is always better than being protected. In addition, people who are immunocompomised and can not get the vaccine depend on it to get the shot, to avoid spreading the infection to people who can not be protected.

3You Do not Need It Every Year

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Simply put, it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest flu vaccine. Yes, that means getting it every, single year. Why? The virus has a multitude of different strains, scientists and researchers are constantly updating the vaccine so it is most effective against the strain they will be most common in the coming season.

4The Flu Shot Can Give You The Flu

One of the most pervasive myths about flu shot that can actually cause you to get flu. The Mayo Clinic explains that, "The flu vaccine can not give you the flu." But, you might develop flu-like symptoms – despite getting a flu vaccine – for a variety of [other] This report is useful for the virus, but it is important to note that it is important to note that these studies have shown that only 1 to 2 percent of people who get a negative reaction.

5You Can Get Salmonella From The Vaccine

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According to the CDC, "The most common way that flu vaccines are made is to use an egg-based manufacturing process that has been used for more than 70 years." Despite being produced via raw eggs, you can not get salmonella poisoning from the flu shot. ace The Wall Street Journal reported back in 2010, eggs used for vaccine vaccines, and are "tested vigorously for pathogens." What's more, CNN reported a study published last December.

6It can mess up your muscle

Some people claim to be able to move your muscle, but this is still another myth: While it may cause temporary muscle pain or tenderness, this is not necessarily a bad thing. University of Pittsburgh professor and director of PittVax, Richard Zimmerman, explained to popular science in 2017 that the pain in your arm is actually doing its job.

7The Flu Shot Is "Poisonous"

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One of the most controversial beliefs about the flu vaccine is that the ingredients are "poisonous," and can make you sick. While it does contain small traces of poisonous in large doses – such as formaldehyde or preservatives such as thimerosal – Healthline reported that studies have "overwhelmingly" found the flu shot is safe.

When it comes to the flu vaccine, the rewards definitely outweigh any potential risks. You can get the vaccine at the major drug store chains, or at your doctor's office, too. Be sure to get your ASAP vaccine so you can have the best chance of flu-free this winter.

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