7 reasons not to buy a Tesla, though



Published on November 24, 2018 |
by Paul Fosse

November 24, 2018 by Paul Fosse

I have written many articles about the quality and abundance of Tesla Model 3 and I sincerely believe that it can potentially become one of the best-selling cars of all time. Does this mean it's the right car for everyone? No, even though driving must be nice for everyone (or not driving, once the autonomous driving software is available), it's just not the right car for everyone.

In the interest of balance, I thought I would list the reasons why I would not recommend Model 3 as the main car for some of you who try to use logic and be rational under certain circumstances. (If you can afford it, you can still have it as a second car.)

1. Your driveway looks like this

Although all three Tesla models come standard with all-wheel drive or optional, they are not really designed for serious off-road driving like a Jeep or Range Rover. Of course, this does not prevent some people from trying (with varying degrees of success). Next year, we'll see if the Y model or the Tesla pick-up is perfect for more rugged trails.

2. You have to carry really heavy things

Although I am not a pickup enthusiast, I realize that many people like them for their versatility and style. As long as Tesla does not reveal its own pick-up (maybe next year), you will not be able to carry very bulky equipment (without a trailer) with one of the Tesla vehicles. Instead of a Tesla, you might want to take a look at the Bollinger or Rivian pickups that will be coming out soon. The X and S models have plenty of cargo space, but this is not really the type of vehicle that could be loaded with dirt on a construction site. If you want to have an open bed for transport, the best you can do is use an X model, which now includes a standard tow receiver.

But as good as the X model looks like to pull a camping trailer (or plane), the $ 84,000 model X base price makes this choice impossible for most pickup fans.

While the Model 3 is quite affordable for most people, until the Y model is available, Tesla has no vehicle to compete with small, semi-affordable SUVs – luxury or others – like the Toyota RAV4 or Honda CR- V.

Images via Tesla

3. You live in a rural area

If you live in Alaska, Montana, North Dakota or in large parts of Canada or Mexico, I see you would not have easy access to the Supercharger network. Having access to a network of well-maintained fast charging stations, located close to major highways on all major roads, is one of the main reasons why I feel comfortable to take out my Tesla on long trips and do not use it only in urban car. (That's how I use my Nissan Leaf for almost 7 years). I think Tesla or Electrify America or ChargePoint will be traveling to rural areas in the future, but in the meantime, a gas or diesel car or truck might be your best choice.

4. You do not drive a lot of miles

In this article, I explained in detail why it costs less to power an electric car and how it should improve over time, but the important thing is that you drive enough. If you drive only a few kilometers a year, fuel savings will usually not be enough to justify the price of a Tesla.

If you have another car to use for longer trips, a used electric vehicle like the Nissan Leaf could be a rational choice – or if you need the ability to make long trips regularly, but do not drive a lot, every day , maybe a used vehicle. Chevy Volt would best meet your needs. For both cars, I recommend an extended warranty, as repairs on EVs and PHEVs can be expensive, as I know from personal experience.

5. You are very conservative with your expenses (or you do not make a lot of money)

If you've never heard of Dave Ramsey's plan on how to get free cars for life, it's worth 5 minutes of your time. In summary, this suggests saving around $ 12,000 instead of buying used cars every 5 years, instead of acquiring new cars with loans for around $ 32,000. It's a good financial advice for people who are saving for retirement.

Unfortunately, for you and me, you can not afford a Tesla for $ 12,000 yet. In the previous section, I mentioned the Nissan Leaf as a possible alternative. Consumer Reports says it's time to buy a used electric vehicle and the Nissan Leaf is the only model recommended for $ 12,000. If you are willing to spend up to $ 17,400, you can also consider using a BMW i3 for the occasion. If you need more autonomy, the only two plug-in hybrids widely available on the used market of less than $ 12,000 are the Chevy Volt mentioned above (with about 40 miles of autonomy). fully electric) and the Ford C-Max Energi (with 20 miles). electric range).

Those of you who live in one of the states with a zero emission vehicle program (ZEV) will have more choices at their disposal. And you can even get a discount on used EVs in Colorado.

If none of these solutions meet your needs, you may have to wait a few years for some of the exciting EVs recently released (Chevrolet Bolt, Tesla Model 3 and 2019 Nissan Leaf) to depreciate at a more affordable price range.

We can certainly argue for an increase of the $ 12,000 limit by a few thousand dollars because of the fuel savings achieved by these cars. You just need to have the financial discipline to put those fuel savings away for the purchase of your next vehicle.

6. You are adverse risk

Not everyone is made to be an early adopter. I love the fun of finding new charging stations, calculating the expected duration of a trip and following competitive charging standards, but not everyone thinks like me. It's so much easier to manage than when I had my first EV 7 years ago, but it's still a challenge.

Many people have a favorite local mechanic whom they know and trust, but when you buy a Tesla and another electric car, you also have to call the dealership to do most of the service because most information to do this is not available. again.

Fortunately, electric vehicles do not need a lot of service, but as they get older, it may be more of a concern to people, especially beyond the 8-year powertrain warranty. If you are not ready for some challenges, buying a Tesla (or any other electric vehicle) may not be the right choice for you.

7. You do not have room to charge your car every day

Although many workplaces and apartments offer a way to recharge your Tesla, most do not. If you have a compressor near you or at your workplace, you can go there every week to recharge your batteries, but you will not really be able to recharge your batteries wherever you are.

That said, if you find yourself in a place with a good public charging infrastructure, even a first-generation BMW i3 or Nissan LEAF could be easily loaded into grocery stores, malls, parks, the beach etc.

Over the next few years, setting up a better charging infrastructure will eliminate this problem, but in many areas this remains a major concern for many. But getting a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, new or used, can always be the right solution for you until you can get better charging stations in your area. This allows you to enjoy the benefits of an electric car while you wait for your apartment or employer to catch up with you.

But I want one!

Even if we try to make smart financial decisions, just a minute of drifting surveillance via a model 3 with deactivated stability control and you can say, "I want a solution, even if it makes no sense ! ".

So, after all these reasons not to buy a Tesla, if you still want to buy one, you can also order before November 30 and get the $ 7,500 federal tax credit in the United States and use a code of sponsorship to benefit from 6 months of free overeating. Model S, Model X or Model 3. You can also benefit from an extended warranty of 5 years on solar panels. Here is my code: https://ts.la/paul92237

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Keywords: Chevy Volt, Ford C-MAX Energi, Nissan Leaf, Tesla, Tesla Model 3, Tesla Model S, Tesla Model X, used electric cars, used electric vehicles, used VEs

About the author

Paul Fosse Software Engineer for over 30 years, I first worked on EDI software and more recently, developed data warehouse systems in the telecommunications sector and the health. Along the way, I've also had the opportunity to help create a software consulting company and manage the portfolio of multiple investment trusts. In 2010, I became interested in electric cars because gasoline became expensive. In 2015, I started reading CleanTechnica and interested in solar energy, mainly because it threatened my oil and gas investments in my investment trusts. Tesla investor. Tesla Referral Code: https://ts.la/paul92237

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