7 unexpected signs of breast cancer, according to a doctor


According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in women in the United States after skin cancer. It is estimated that 12% of women will develop breast cancer at some point in their lives, 266,120 new cases will be diagnosed by the end of 2018 and 40,920 of these women will die of breast cancer.

While the mortality rates of the disease decreased by 39% between 1989 and 2015, largely because of sensitization (a recent study showed that mammography was not the end of the diagnosis), since 2007 the breast cancer in women under 50 remained the same. However, among women over 50, mortality rates have decreased. This is largely due to the idea that breast cancer is the prerogative of older women, but it is completely false. young women have breast cancer.

Although less than five percent of women under 40 years of age are diagnosed, breast cancer in younger women tends to be more aggressive, higher grade, and hormone receptor-negative, which means that cancer does not occur. There is no need for hormones to continue to develop and create health problems.

As is the case for most cancers, education, awareness and early detection are essential to increase the survival rate. There are more signs of breast cancer than just feeling a suspicious fat in your breast.

"Many breast cancer symptoms are invisible and can not be detected without professional screening, but some can be detected earlier," said Dr. Shoshana Ungerleider, MD, founder of the End Well project in Bustle.

So, here are seven unexpected signs to watch for, according to Dr. Ungerleider.

1Nipple discharge

Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

For the most part, the nipples are not supposed to discharge. Of course, if you are breastfeeding, you are expecting a flow of milk, and there are other factors, such as over stimulated nipples or even stress, that can cause nipple discharge. But no matter the reason, Dr. Ungerleider recommends consulting your doctor for any type of leave.

2Change in the size of the breasts

Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

"Any unexplained change in the size or shape of the breast," says Dr. Ungerleider, "[or] unexplained swelling of the breasts ", are reasons to go see a doctor.It is true that the size of the breasts can change during your menstrual cycle, that is a change explained.If you meet something out of the ordinary, you should see a doctor.

3Quilting breasts

hikdaigaku86 / Fotolia

In July 2017, a British woman published a photo of a dimple on her breast on Facebook. His reasoning? The day before she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. The dimple was the only symptom that she had – no bumps, no nipple discharge, nothing. In fact, when she had the biopsy, she assumed that she would be fine. The results came back differently.

"Mulling anywhere on the chest," says Dr. Ungerleider, is another sign that something is wrong.

In other words, even if you do not feel lumpy, any changes should be enough for you to make an appointment with your doctor.

4Inverted nipple

Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

Although some people are born with naturally inverted nipples, for those who are not, Dr. Ungerleider states that if a nipple is "slightly turned inward" or inverted, it's a sign that something is happening.

5Changes to the breast skin

Ashley Batz / Bustle

Of course, the winter months can have adverse effects on the skin – from head to toe, including breasts – but there is a big difference between dry, irritated skin and scaly, swollen skin.

Dr. Ungerleider says to consult a doctor if "the breast skin, the area around the nipple or nipple … becomes scaly, red or swollen".

If hydration does not cut it, it may be a sign that it is not just the winter months that are hindering your skin.

6Narrowing of the chest

Ashley Batz / Bustle

"An unexplained narrowing of the breast, especially it only affects one side," says Dr. Ungerleider. Fluctuation is one thing, but a perceptible withdrawal for no reason is worth consulting your doctor.

7Your breasts begin to look like the skin of an orange

Ashley Batz for Bustle

According to Dr. Ungerleider, it is perhaps not very pleasant to imagine that if "the skin of the breast, the region around the nipple or the nipple has ridges or stings resembling the skin of an orange", you should see your doctor.

If you have any of these signs, be sure to consult your doctor for an evaluation. Although they do not automatically mean that you have breast cancer, it is important not to show any potential symptoms. It's only with early detection that people are more likely to defeat breast cancer.

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