70 million year old giant dinosaur skeleton discovered in the Gobi Desert – Reports


The fossil would be the remains of a sauropod dinosaur, a member of the huge herbivorous species that lived on our planet millions of years ago.

A team of Japanese and Mongolian scientists discovered the skeleton of a giant dinosaur in the Mongolian Gobi Desert, reported the Japanese news agency Jiji.

The fossil would belong to a sauropod dinosaur 70 million years old. The Sauropods were four-legged, long-necked plant eaters, who inhabited the Earth during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. This genre includes the greatest creatures ever to have walked on Earth; in particular, the colossal Argentinosaurus, which, according to scientists, measured more than 36 meters long and 21 meters high.

The dinosaur discovered in the Gobi Desert was apparently smaller but still impressive: scientists have discovered a fossilized femur 1.55 meters long. They claim that it is one of the largest specimens discovered in the Upper Cretaceous geological layer in the desert.

The team also independently discovered fossilized dinosaur footprints left by an ornithopod, a bipedal dinosaur eating plants. They measured 0.85 meters long and 1.15 meters wide, which is close to the largest dinosaur foot ever recorded. The dinosaur "Bigfoot" was probably 17 meters long, 5 meters longer than the famous Carnannier Tyrannosaur rex.

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