8 zodiac signs Retrograde Mars will affect the most during the summer of 2018


While Mercury retrograde seems to attract all the attention all the time, it's certainly not the only planet that retrogrades throughout the year – they all do it, in reality, and they affect us all one way or the other. When a planet becomes retrograde, what happens is that it turns so fast that it seems to turn back. Many people believe that the shift in gravitational attraction affects us here on Earth, in different ways depending on the planet. Your sign also affects how you will feel when a certain planet is retrograde. March retrograde began June 26, and will not resume directly before August 27, so you will want to know how it will change your daily life, especially as some signs of the zodiac will be affected by Mars retrograde more than d & rsquo; Others.

Mars is a very intense planet and governs desire, action, anger and passion. According to Cafe Astrology, Mars retrograde forces us to "reevaluate our current plans, our approach to get what we want, and our nature of desire. Rather than directly asserting our desires, we tend toward introspection. "When Mars is retrograde, it transforms its normal energy into the interior, intensifying it and internalizing it, which makes us react differently to situations than we normally would, and it can also to bring into question our instincts.

Astrologically speaking, Mars is the ruler of Aries and the co-ruler of Scorpio.This retrograde occurs in the signs of Aquarius and Capricorn.According to the astrologer Lisa Stardust in an interview with Bustle, because of this, these signs will be most affected.But they are not the only ones.Stegard says: "Retrograde Mars begins in Aerated Aquarius, retreating towards earthy Capricorn – hence, d e many signs will feel the impact of this planetary moonwalk.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Cora Foxx / Bustle

Stardust says, "Mars is the planetary ruler of Aries, which allows the fiery Aries to be the initiator of the zodiac. Aries may feel stuck and unable to take off projects, resulting in inner frustration. "

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

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According to Stardust, a Taurus goes feel the effects at work. She says, "March RX in your career home will make you rethink work projects recently started. Even if you may be irritated by work problems, do not worry. It's time to step back, think outside the box , and reassess how to reach your career goals, from a different angle. "

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

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It will be a time of learning and trial and error for cancer. Stardust says: "Mars RX in Aquarius is all about understanding boundaries in relationships. When Mars RX between Capricorn, be prepared to see if you can keep the lessons learned."

Leo (July 23 – August 22) [19659014] Cora Foxx / Bustle

Leos may have trouble managing their emotions constructively during retrograde March.Stardust says, "Try not to assert power or control over others – retaining your language will solve the problems and arguments that brew in all relationships. "

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Cora Foxx / Bustle

This could be a bit difficult for Libras.Stardust recommends trying to to relax: "" When Mars slips into Capricorn on the 12th August, expect inner anxieties to go out. Try to decompress a little while taking long walks and conscious meditation. "

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Cora Foxx / Agitation

Scorpio is one of two signs that will be most affected by retrograde Mars Stardust says:" Also dominated by Mars, the Aquatic Scorpion affirms its determination and leads to passion projects. Mars RX will make Scorpios feel overwhelmed and exhausted because they are unable to perform their tasks.

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

Cora Foxx / Bustle

Capricorns will be most affected by the end of March Stardust says, "When Mars returns to Capricorn on August 12, the goat that Hard working can take a well deserved break, opting for a bit of R & R for the last days of summer. "

Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)

Cora Foxx / Bustle

Stardust says, "Mars RX on your solar sign will be frustrating, as you feel mentally and physically drained." Setting boundaries with others you will help you find your groove in no time. "

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