9 candy and beer pairings for a happier, hoppier Halloween


How to perfectly pair the Halloween season’s two best indulgences: candy and beer.

It’s the best time of the year. No, Christmas is not the best time of the year, it’s Halloween season! The season where everything smells wonderful, people get to pretend to be someone else, and there’s 20 haunted hayrides within 10 miles of everyone. Oh, and people give you free candy. That’s right, people give us delicious candy free of charge, mostly to kids, but some places adults can also indulge.

Another thing that adults love to indulge in? Well, beer, of course. It’s the new normal to start mixing beer pairings with our favorite foods, so it’s only natural to pair our beloved carbonated alcoholic drink with the sugary delight that is candy.

So, what are those perfect pairings for the candy that you get from your kids/siblings trick-or-treat bags, or when they go on sale on November 1st?

TORONTO, ON – OCTOBER 22 – It’s Halloween! Which means it’s time for us to pull the wool off your eyes and reveal the totally not great calorie counts in your candy. We also present you with low cal, homemade alternatives. October 22, 2015. (Carlos Osorio/Toronto Star via Getty Images)

1. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups with Sweet Baby Jesus porter

If we are going to start, we might as well start with the best. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are the candy that you save to eat last so you can savor them longer. Or, maybe they are the one’s you cannot wait to eat until the next day. These are the king of the Halloween candy.

That’s why one needs a great beer to pair with these delicious chocolate treats. Here comes Sweet Baby Jesus chocolate peanut butter porter. There are so many good chocolate peanut butter porters, but Reese’s needs a specific one to pair perfectly.

Sweet Baby Jesus has strong flavors, but also a smooth finish that isn’t overpowering. Porters aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but this is one most beer drinkers can handle. The 6.2 percent ABV makes it something that won’t knock your socks off, but is still well above the average beer.

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