93 other ex-students accuse a former USC gynecologist of sexual misconduct, according to a lawyer


Tyndall was the only full-time gynecologist at the school's student health clinic for 30 years.

Lawyer John Manly said the 93 alumni are represented in two new lawsuits.

Former students claimed that the USC had ignored complaints about the doctor for decades and had concealed the actions of the latter.

Speaking to reporters Thursday, Manly asked California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to investigate the USC. The Attorney General's office declined to comment on CNN's case.

Tyndall's lawyer, Leonard Levine, made no comment, but said the doctor was still cooperating with the investigation.

In July, after more than 50 accusers sued Tyndall and USC, Mr. Levine said in a statement that his client "was adamant that he had no criminal conduct while he was practicing medicine at home." USC is firmly convinced that when all the facts are known, in the field of gynecology and obstetrics, it will be determined (e) that its USC student exams have have been performed for the stated medical purpose and in accordance with the standards of care applicable to such examinations, "the statement said.

The women say they have been victims of sexual abuse, harassment and sexual violence by Tyndall, who was fired by the university in 2017 for inappropriate behavior, according to USC. University officials said the school had reached an agreement with the doctor and had not reported it to police authorities or state medical authorities at that time. the.

In a statement to CNN, the university said: "We are aware of the lawsuits.We will seek a prompt and fair resolution, respectful of our former students.We are committed to providing USC women with the the best and the most in depth possible and the health services respectful of all the universities. "

At a news conference announcing the new lawsuit on Thursday, two of the female victims of Larry Nassar, the former American gymnastics doctor convicted of sexual abuse, demonstrated their support for former students of the USC who were laying charges against Tyndall.

Rachael Denhollander – the first to publicly accuse Larry Nassar of aggression – urged USC to draw lessons from what she called the errors of Michigan State University.

"I ask USC, do it best this time, do it better than (MSU) treat these women as the family you promised them, conduct an independent investigation and publish the report so we know who knows what, when and where were, and those who contributed to the abuse of these women are held responsible. "

The latest allegations are in line with some of the previous allegations against Tyndall. Several of these women claim to have never seen a gynecologist before seeing Dr. Tyndall and did not realize that his conduct was not legitimately medicated until the first wave of prosecutions occurred. judicial system became public in May.

The women claim that Tyndall made racist, pejorative and misogynistic comments while sexually assaulting them "for no other reason than to satisfy his own perverse sexual desires."

Among the complaints against Tyndall are "fumbling boobs of the plaintiffs, penetrating vaginas, sometimes without gloves and with unwashed hands, digitally penetrating vagina, photographers of the genitals and naked bodies of plaintiffs,"; exposing his own naked body to the complainants …. "says that Tyndall is committed to rubbing along his naked body and spreading her buttocks" in the appearance of a "test of skin ".

The lawsuits claim that Tyndall digitally penetrated these women for several minutes while commenting on their degree of "contraction" and the size of their breasts. One of the plaintiffs states that Tyndall put all his hand in her vagina.

Jane Doe 126 claimed that Tyndall had penetrated her numerically with such force that she had "bled profusely after her appointment". She also stated that the doctor had shown her "numerous photographs of the vagina of other women" and had begged "Jane Doe 126 to let him photograph her naked vagina, for" research "purposes.

Another qualified plaintiff of Jane Doe 128 said she saw Tyndall on at least four occasions between 2013 and 2016 or around 2016. She claims to have forced her fingers inside her, made racist comments on her ethnicity, claiming that "most Asian women have tight and tight vaginas." Jane Doe 128 alleges that she asked a nurse employed by the USC who was present at her appointments about Tyndall's behavior and if it was normal, "the nurse dismissed Jane Doe's 128 concerns, telling her that Tyndall was" really very friendly. "Others, like Jane Does 112, 113 and 127 also state that there was in the room a chaperone employed by the USC who saw it all but did not say anything.

After seeing Dr. Tyndall, Jane Doe 133 sent an email to the USC Student Health Center to complain about Tyndall, but she never received a response. She claims to have e-mailed a second time "to which the student health center responded:" We will consider the question ". Jane Doe, 133, does not know if USC has already taken action, says the lawsuit. She says the doctor made inappropriate comments like "Your vagina is tiny" and "Your breasts are so big like other Indian women" after ordering her to undress completely and then "move her fingers roughly to inside, around her vagina. "

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