The former SEAL, Dan Crenshaw, asks SNL for to donate $ 1 million to veterans after Pete Davidson's joke


Dan Crenshaw, a Republican candidate at the Texas Congress, asked "Saturday Night Live" to donate $ 1 million to veteran groups after we made fun of him. for wearing an eye patch in a sketch this weekend.

In the "Weekend Update" segment, Pete Davidson, cast member of "SNL", suggested that Crenshaw looked like "a hit man in a porn movie".

"I'm sorry, I know he's lost an eye in the war – or whatever," added Davidson.

Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL, lost his right eye after the bomb blast during a deployment to Afghanistan in 2012.

Crenshaw told CNN on Monday that producers of "Saturday Night Live" should consider donating money to groups benefiting veterans, who "feel ridiculed".

"I think what he and the producers of" SNL "should be doing, is putting their money together, calculating a figure – a million dollars – and we will donate it to a series of alumni non-profit fighters who help them, "he said. "There are many excellent organizations in the world, many veterans really need help and, frankly, that kind of thing shocks them."

The drawing "SNL" was largely condemned by Republicans and Democrats, including Crenshaw's opponent.

Davidson did not comment.

Kenan Thompson, a long time SNL cast member, said Davidson had crossed the finish line and "definitely missed the goal".

"It seems that is the case," said Thompson during an appearance on the "Today" show. "My father is a veteran, Vietnam, and personally, I would never go there necessarily, but it's hard when you're fishing for jokes – that's how clashes give you the Impression that there are no real filters in the world when they try to make a good joke or anything, and we try to respect that, but at the same time, when you miss the target, you offend people, so you need to be a little more aware in my opinion. "

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