West Bank calm and misleading, Hamas attempts to launch attacks


Shin Bet director Nadav Argaman warned on Tuesday morning that the relative calm in the West Bank was "misleading", as "Hamas is making great efforts to carry out terrorist attacks in and out of Judea and Samaria. this".

In his presentation to the members of the Knesset's Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense, Mr. Argaman explained: "In the past year, we have been able to deal with 480 terrorist attacks, including 219 Hamas cells and 590 isolated assailants – this is a very large number that is indicative of the terrorism that is bubbling beneath the surface. "

"In addition, over the past year, we have been able to thwart cyberattacks – both terrorists and spies – against the state of Israel," he added.

Nadav Argaman, director of Shin Bet (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg)

Nadav Argaman, director of Shin Bet (Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg)

"In general, these successes (…) are the result of very arduous activities of the entire Israeli security system – Shin Bet, FDI, Israeli Police – that allow this reality and allow citizens Israelis to live their daily lives, "said the director of Shin Bet. it's noted.

In Gaza, he said, "we are in between a possible campaign or ahead of a campaign, while on the other hand, we are trying to stabilize the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip."

The Argaman briefing follows the fighting that has taken place in Gaza in recent months. During the latest outbreak, the IDF attacked more than 80 terrorist targets
in the band in retaliation for more than 30 rockets fired from Gaza
in Israeli cities at the border and the city of Sderot.

After the de-escalation of the situation, the Lebanese newspaper Al Akhbar released a first draft ceasefire agreement
between Hamas and Israel. The project has not been finalized yet as both sides are still negotiating.

At the latest security cabinet meeting Sunday, the ministers decided to let the mediation efforts of Egypt and the UN envoy to the Middle East, Nikolay Mladenov, continue their efforts.

Almost all ministers were in favor of continuing negotiations. Only Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman felt that Israel had to take a heavy blow to Hamas to restore calm at the border. All security services were also in favor of continuing talks with Hamas.

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