FCC could well prepare for automated calls next year


The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has threatened yesterday to take action against mobile service providers who do not apply the methods used to combat automated calls in the coming year.

In a press release issued Monday, FCC President Ajit Pai has ordered more than a dozen companies, including AT & T, Comcast and T-Mobile, to adopt anti-usurpation protocols next year.

"Combating illegal automated calls is our number one priority in FCC consumption," said Pai. "That's why we need call authentication to become a reality – it's the best way to ensure that consumers can answer their phones with confidence."

The authentication framework, which relies on SHAKEN (SHAKEN) standards and signature-based claimed information processing, guarantees the legitimacy of calls before they reach consumers.

"The frame numerically validates the transfer of telephone calls through the complex network of networks, allowing the telephone company of the consumer receiving the call to verify that a call is coming from the person supposed to do so," says the press release.

Pai argued that cell phone users should expect a significant decrease in the number of automated calls from here next year.

The president of the FCC also promised to attack companies that have not made progress in the integration of the authentication system.

"If it does not appear that this system is on track to be operational next year, we will take steps to ensure it," Pai added.

According to YouMail, a company that develops software to prevent unwanted calls, Americans received more than 30.5 billion automated calls last year alone.

While mobile operators are striving to incorporate the authentication system, the FCC recommends many mobile phone applications to consumers seeking to block automated calls.

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