A reboot 'Shrek & # 39; arrive, so get ready to peel even more layers of onion


It's been 17 years since the world was introduced for the first time by a green ogre named Shrek, and now DreamWorks Animation is getting ready to take us back to its swamp. Yes, a Shrek restart is coming, according to a new report from Varietyand this promises to be a brand new shoot in the fairy-tale-inspired movies that we all grew up with.

the Shrek the franchise dominated the 2000s with four films – 2001 Shrek, Shrek 2 in 2004, Shrek the third in 2007, and finally Shrek forever in 2010 – as well as the derivative film Puss in Boots in 2011. The success of the franchise has also led to a Broadway musical and a recent Netflix series centered on Puss in Boots. But it did not seem that the films would continue after the conclusion of the fourth film in 2010. Then, in 2016, Universal Pictures bought ShrekThe DreamWorks animation studio, and the new production contract is currently working to revitalize the Shrek franchise for a whole new generation.

The big difference with the new Shrek The films Universal works on are from the big animation producer Chris Meledandri. Meledandri is best known for having founded the relatively recent animation studio Illumination, which has been successful in creating films including Despicable Me and its repercussions Minions.


With new principal Shrek films, Universal would also be interested in tracking the fallout Puss in Boots, who was focusing on the fighting cat at Antonio Banderas' sword. Although these new restarts could bring enormous changes to the Shrek Chris Meledandri explained that he did not want to recast the main roles with new actors. This means that Mike Myers as Shrek, Cameron Diaz as Princess Fiona, Eddie Murphy as an ass and Antonio Banderas as Puss in Boots will probably all be back:

When you think about these vocal performances, they are impressive and, although you can certainly advocate for a complete reinvention, I find myself reacting to my own nostalgia for wanting to return to these characterizations. The challenge for us was to find something that really gives the impression that it's not just another movie in a series of sequels.

It also looks like these new Shrek the films will not be simply a follow-up to the four original films, but rather a totally relaunched franchise of his own film series. Because of this important distinction, the aspect of these new films is not clear: they could present a complete redesign of the original films or restructure the story of the characters. The only thing we know that will probably stay the same for these new movies is voice distribution.

Since these plans Shrek Restarts have been announced not long ago, fans will probably have to wait a while before a new one Shrek the film goes to the big screen. Currently, DreamWorks Animation has several other suites, including suites for How to train his dragon, trolls, Croods, and Baby pattern. It will probably be a few years before Shrek 5 is released.

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