Review of Mayans episode 10: Cuervo / Tz'ikb'uul


This Mayans ™ notice contains spoilers.

Mayans MC Episode 10

the Mayans ™ The final of the season hit me right in the feelings, largely thanks to Angel's truly extraordinary emotions. Shit, Clayton Cardenas knocked that shit out of the park. Watching him struggle to make tough choices all season was one thing, but watching the character deal with the raw and visceral emotions of betrayal, once he discovers EZ's contract with the federal government, out of envy of his father's relationship with EZ, and then landing on love and loyalty while he was doing terrible things to protect his younger brother was amazing. And one way or another, Cardenas managed to suspend everything. What could easily have turned into a sneaky debacle about family drama with a minor actor, took a real pathos in Angel.

As you may remember, at the end of the previous episode, Agent Potter proposed a new contract to the Reyes brothers. All they had to do was kill their cousin, Jimenez, before he could denounce Potter's questionable activity. The EZ file would then be erased. Poor Kevin. He fought so hard for EZ. He was shaking and dry, sweating, drinking and stumbling around Felipe's house, trying to solve his dad's problems. And in the end, he found peace, becoming poetic about the noble family ties. Just before Angel gets hurt his brain. Oh irony, cruel bitch.

Of course, Angel was not alone, EZ was there, having already shot at Jimenez's boss (not on Potter, the other guy). Which brings the Reyes brothers to drive corpses for their elimination. But Angel is adamant: it will be the last grave of EZ. His gold-bearing golden brother will turn in his cup and leave, for good. The problem is that, despite the good intentions of everyone (Jimenez, Felipe, Angel), the object of their effort no longer believes in his own hype. The idea that he could have had a better life or continue to be productive in a non-criminal way, was just that – an idea. One that never materialized. The reality is that he's found himself in jail and now in the MC, a really capable criminal.

As EZ tells Angel, he has to stop looking at everything as if it were an error for which he had to look for a solution. It's his life now. Nobody gave it to him, nobody can save him. And above all, he won his place among the Mayans. Like Angel, at the end of the day, he chose his life and it's a decision he's doing well. Just, no one else is. Like at all. Felipe goes straight to shit a brick.

Let's hope that now that he has made his choice and follows the path of his choice, he may have the opportunity to shine a little more in Mayans ™ Season 2 (and good news, this has already been confirmed by FX).

This is fun when you think about it, considering the number of characters who have made difficult decisions about their place in this environment and who have stuck to their weapons throughout the season. Emily has fully embraced her role as de facto queen of the cartel, accepting not only the violence but also her husband's position in the face of these atrocities. Galindo learned to lead really instead of just following Devante's advice to mimic his dead father. Even if it meant eventually sacrificing this old family friend to Adelita's revenge.

Adelita is easier to conceal; she chose her path as a child. However, it seems that she has also chosen Angel, and not just as a pawn. Whatever their past, they have every chance to give Galindo and Emily a serious run for their money. Poor Felipe, he's really going to take off some bricks next season.

Meanwhile, Alvarez chose the Galindo cartel to replace Devante. This decision is intended to put him in direct conflict with Bishop and the rest of the MC at some point. Maybe the money was better? Of all the choices made during the season finale, it was the most disconcerting. Why give up your fraternity to serve with the costumes? Bishop looked completely empty when he heard the news, and with good reason. Despite all the praise he has received from President Mayas, it is really Alvarez who directs the show. Without him, will it be easy for Angel to start whispering in Bishop's ear?

And there was one last box to give. The revelation we all knew was going to happen. The culmination of an entire season of fragmented flashbacks about the foolish killing of mom Reyes that led EZ to accidentally fire on a policeman. The guy in the hoodie. Who turned out to be [SPOILER] David Labrava? Really? Happy sons?

I really did not see it coming. In fact, considering how they played the intimate relationship between SAMCRO and the Mayans in this episode and the vital importance of this relationship for the future success of the cartel, to make happy the mysterious attacker of Happy seemed forced. Convenient? Well, anti-climactic anyway.

It was as if the plot had led to a link. It was perhaps Jimenez and that was the reason he was so nervous about Felipe and so excited about protecting EZ. Maybe it was Coco who seemed even more unbalanced before the MC. Shit, maybe he was one of Galindo's henchmen. Or a younger and more reckless Adelita.

Of course, the pathos worked much better for the Reyes, having to bear only the guilt associated with the murder of their cousin. But happy? Foolish violence does not make sense, but it looks like a slum designed to produce drama.

J & # 39; hope Maya can put a spectacular varnish on this particular plot device with rough edges. God knows that they made a sacred show that was strong and culturally relevant. This viewer can not wait for Season 2 and dies to see where the characters lead us.

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