Snowden: Israeli firm's spyware was used to track Khashoggi – Israel News


Edward Snowden said on Tuesday that Israeli firm NSO Group Technologies was used to help the dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was killed last month at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

Snowden, a U.S. intelligence contract worker, gained international prominence after leaking American intelligence files in 2013 to the media. He spoke on Tuesday at a conference in Tel Aviv via a live video link.

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The assertion that Israeli spyware has been used against the Canadian research institute Citizen Lab in October. According to the report, NSO 's Pegasus spyware had been installed on the phone of Omar Abdulaziz, another exile Saudi dissident and a friend of Khashoggi' s. Abdulaziz said that he used his cell phone to discuss Saudi politics and plans with Khashoggi in the past. Abdulaziz claims that his phone was being monitored at the time.

Edward Snowden speaks about NSOHaaretz

"Some of you may have heard about the Saudi journalist and dissident Jamal Khashoggi," Snowden said. "He went into the [Saudi] consulate and he was immediately strangled … how did this get planned, how did this come together …? "

The Saudis, he continued, "he was going to come to the consulate because he had made an appointment … but how did they know what his plans and intentions were, how did they decide that he was someone was worth the risk? "

Saudi dissident Omar Abdulaziz discusses how the Pegasus spyware is linked to Jamal Khashoggi.

Snowden then suggested that the Saudis were able to gain information on Khashoggi by spying on "his friend, who was also in exile in Canada."

"The reality is that they are bugged by one of the few friends and contacts using software created by an Israeli company." We do not know the chain of consequence. about, "Snowden added.

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As reported by the Hebrew website of the Globes, NSO responded to the allegations as follows:

"Not only does it have an independent role in the field of international law, but it also has an independent ethic The results of this study are not as simple as those in the press, the company does not allow them to be used in a large number of countries. of barons, children-abductors, pedophiles and others. "

Pegasus makes it possible to carry out nearly limitless monitoring of individuals, including the control of cell phones. Its capabilities include collecting information on the phone's location, wiretapping into it, recording conversations taking place near the phone and photographing those in the vicinity of the phone.

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The spyware also allows you to use the phone to check the phone and to write it. In addition, the software can access photos, video clips, calendar reminders and contact lists. Access is usually gained through an infected link that is sent via a text message to the phone.

Snowden describes NSO as a "developing digital burglary tools" and called it "the worst of the worst in selling these burglary tools that are currently being actively engaged to violate human rights."

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"This is a cybersecurity industry." This is a cyber-insecurity industry, "Snowden declared.

Lawsuits were recently filed in Israel and Cyprus against NSO and another Israeli-led company called Circles by a number of Mexican citizens, including journalists and political activists, as well as Qatari citizen. The plaintiffs claim they were targeted by the companies' surveillance tools.

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