A Merkel poll reveals that two-thirds of Germans tell her that she should leave Chancellor's office | Politics | New


Ms Merkel announced last week that she would not seek re-election as president of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in December, but would remain Chancellor until 2021, although she previously stated that the two roles should not be separated.

The disappointing losses recorded in two recent regional elections forced Merkel to make the announcement, which provoked a mad rush of candidates in the hope of replacing her.

Her position as Chancellor seems more and more fragile and political analysts have said she may not see her prime minister.

This stance was further weakened by a new poll by the German Research Institute's Bild daily, which reveals that 62.2% of the roughly 4,000 surveyed polled believe that Merkel should stay away one year later. his successor to the chosen CDU.

The party is meeting next month to elect a new leader following Merkel's shock announcement that she did not want to stand for another term.

As soon as the news was announced, the candidates jumped to announce their candidacy to the management.

Annegret Kramp-Kartenbauer, a close ally of Mrs Merkel and a favored choice, has proved her worth, but did not want to say that she would like to assume the post of Chancellor at a press conference held yesterday.

Aged 56, Merkel said she could work with Merkel and congratulated her leaders for her leadership: "It's the end of the time.

"My experience is that you always stay on the shoulders of your predecessor.

"We need to find a way to make people here feel at home, those who have been here for a long time and those who have arrived more recently."

She added: "Mrs Merkel is the elected Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and, as long as she has a majority in the Bundestag, she will certainly remain so."

However, analysts said it would be harder for Merkel to retain power if her favorite Friedrich Merz succeeded him.

The 62-year-old general secretary of the CDU came out ahead in a separate poll for the Funke newspaper with 36% support, ahead of Kramp-Karrenbauer who was just behind with 33%.

Health Minister Jens Spahn, 38, also launched her hat to replace Angela Merkel.

He strongly criticized Merkel, but it is unclear whether he has enough support to replace her.

The successor to Merkel will have an enormous task ahead of him: to turn around the party's fortunes after it has been revealed that support for the CDU has reached a new low.

Merkel's party support now stands at only 24.5 percent, up from 31 percent a year earlier and 26 percent last month, according to a weekly survey by INSA / YouGov on behalf of Bild.

Meanwhile, critics have warned Merkel if she continues as Chancellor, the German government is going to collapse.

At a press conference in Berlin earlier this week, she responded by admitting the "risk" and trying to explain her U-turn.

She said, "Yes, I am seriously deviating from my deep conviction that the party chairman and the Chancery go hand in hand.

"It's a risk, no doubt. But after weighing all the pros and cons, I came to the conclusion that it was reasonable to risk that. "

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