Netflix, Warner Bros. Hit With $ 50M Satanic Deity Suit in 'Chilling Adventures of Sabrina'


The Satanic Temple alleges misappropriation, confusion of origin, and injury of reputation over a sculpture designed to be "central part of its efforts to promote First Amendment values."

While most mortals are obsessed with politics with weekends, The Satanic Temple is more focused on Baphomet, an androgynous goat-headed deity. The outraged outfit has come up with a $ 50 million lawsuit over Netflix's Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, alleging the series has infringed copyright and defamed its deity by featuring imagery in an unflattering light.

Chilling Adventures of SabrinaA series produced by Warner Bros., follows Sabrina Spellman as she attends The Academy of Unseen Arts. At the school is a statue of Baphomet.

"Baphomet is a historical deity which has a complex history," explains The Satanic Temple in its complaint filed in New York federal court. "Baphomet historically involved a goat 's head (sometimes known as the' Sabbatic Goat ') on a female body with Lilith, a figure from Jewish mysticism sometimes considered a goddess of the night. in or about 1856 by an occult historian Eliphas Levi … "

The plaintiff claims making changes and holding copyright registration on a sculpture of Baphomet.

Its version of Baphomet, quoted in the complaint, is the "most politically important of our time," which can not be divorced from politics after all.

"This case presents, among other things, a textbook example of the principle of copyright protection that protects the rights of individuals, but not the ideas themselves," asserts the complaint. "What makes this case particularly striking and significant is that they are highly sophisticated media production and distribution companies which are appropriately misled by their own intellectual property. . "

But the series did not just display Baphomet, states The Satanic Temple (also known as the United Federation of Churches) Netflix and Warner Bros. are also faulted for misleading consumers as to the origin.

Perhaps ironically, The Satanic Temple states it is designed and commissioned by the Baphomet, "adding that the Netflix series" "prominent use of this symbol the central focal point of the school associated with evil, cannibalism and murder blurs and tarnishes the TST Baphomet with Children as a Mark of TST. "

The final cause of action in this case is injury to business reputation.

The Satanic Temple wants more than money. The church also requests an order enjoining Netflix and Warner Bros. from any future reproduction or distribution of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina with its Baphomet.

Here's the complaint.

Warner Bros. declined comment.

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