Google responds by making changes after 20,000 replies say "# Timesup" In Tech



After thousands of Google employees pulled out of their offices last week in protest of sexual harassment in the workplace, Mountain View announced it will make several changes to strengthen its reporting system. abuse.

More than 20,000 protesters called on society to improve its reporting process, ensure equal treatment for all demographic groups and positions, create a transparency report on sexual assault and end arbitration forced the employees to give up their right to sue.

Google executives responded today with a report that responds to some of these requests, including making arbitration optional, creating a report on sexual assault, and providing annual training on the rules of sexual harassment.

Strike members said the company-wide changes were evidence of collective action, but did little to address the creeping inequality between full-time workers and contract workers, resulting in a "modern Jim Crow class system" and different playing conditions for minorities. .

On November 1, employees suggested that the company create an employee representative on the board of directors and authorize the diversity officer to respond directly to the CEO.

"We demand a truly fair culture, and Google executives can do this by integrating employee representation on the board and giving all the rights and protections needed to contract workers, our most vulnerable workers, many of whom are women. black and brown, "said organizer Stephanie Parker. in a report.

The organizers pointed out that Google can not fight sexual harassment without addressing systemic inequalities and racism, which limit access to power and resources.

"The process by which we build a truly fair culture needs to focus on the voices of black women, immigrants and people of color – the ones who pay the most for these cross-cutting issues," said organizer Demma. Rodriguez in a statement. .

Last Thursday, several women told stories of harassment and abuse at the company's headquarters in Mountain View, describing a lack of empathy on the part of their superiors, blatant sexism and the forced removal of their services while their aggressors were being maintained.

"We recognize that not everything has gone well in the past, and we sincerely regret that it is clear that we need to make changes," said CEO Sundar Pichai today.

"Googlers often tell us that the best part of our work here is the other Googlers, even in difficult times, we are encouraged by the commitment of our colleagues to create a better working environment", a- he declared.

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