Trump goes to Paris after a hectic week


WASHINGTON – President Trump travels to Paris on Friday after a week in which his party lost control of one of the congressional chambers and the overthrow of its attorney general, to meet with his French counterpart and commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of the world. War I.

The President's second official visit to Paris coincides with Veterans Day in the United States. It will honor those who helped defend the United States in times of war and peace.

Trump is one of dozens of world leaders expected to attend the weekend's events, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. French President Emmanuel Macron will host a luncheon for many guest leaders.

A senior White House official said Mr. Trump should only talk with Mr. Macron on Saturday and that there is no formal meeting or brief discussion of withdrawal with Mr. Putin or no other leader.

Trump's visit comes just days after the Democrats gained control of the House in Tuesday's midterm elections, which will allow them to delay or block the president's agenda, which he said was the first time he was elected. Acting from the construction of the border wall with Mexico or trade agreements that he promised to renegotiate. One day after the elections, at a free-wheeling and often combative White House press conference, he promised a "bellicose stance" if the Democrats exercised control, while advocating bipartisanship.

Regarding external relations, Mr Trump has issued an optimistic note, saying that allies from other countries that were waiting to negotiate trade agreements had praised him for his victories in the GOP. "Now we can all go back to work and get things done!", He writes on Twitter.

The tough trade negotiations between the United States and their European partners have been going on for several months, but the president's decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum to many allies and America's closest trading partners has created tense working relationships, particularly with France. Macron also opposes the new imposition of Trump sanctions on Iran and the withdrawal of the Iranian nuclear deal from the Obama era.

Most Western companies and banks withdrew from Iran before the sanctions were reimposed, fearing a loss of access to the US economy. But European politicians have been trying to find ways to protect their businesses and allow them to continue doing business with Iran.

The European Union is trying to create a special payment channel for trade with Iran, which bypasses US sanctions and allows European countries to continue doing business with the Iranians.

Messrs. Trump and Macron have chosen to set aside their differences on issues such as climate change and focus on areas in which they can cooperate, including a Syria roadmap for the post-war period. and broader security in the Middle East. They also promised to work together on the conflicts in Ukraine and Libya.

Trump signed Friday a presidential proclamation that, combined with a new rule issued by his government, is blocking the asylum process for immigrants illegally crossing the border, a move that critics say goes beyond the rule of law. President's legal authority to amend the US Immigration Act, is certain. end up in court.

The new rule aims to push asylum seekers to already congested border posts and to prevent asylum applications from almost all illegal immigrants. The rule takes effect at 12:01 pm ET on Saturday.

The proclamation signed by Trump suspends entry into the United States of the illegal border for 90 days. Officials said the president had the power to restrict asylum to certain foreigners under the law on immigration and nationality.

"People can come in, but they have to go through the front doors," Trump told reporters as he left for Paris on Friday.

Officials in conversation with reporters said that people fleeing the persecution and in need of protection should seek to obtain it in Mexico rather than in the United States. "It is in their interest, in the interest of all, to ask for this protection as soon as possible. possible, "said an official of the administration.

The rule change and the expected proclamation – which actually amends US immigration legislation – aim to reduce the number of immigrants illegally crossing the border to seek asylum in the United States. It was in the weeks leading up to polling day that the president criticized the thousands of most Central American migrants traveling to the United States in several caravans crossing Mexico. Since the election, Trump has not tweeted about the caravan and has not spoken publicly about it.

The commemoration of the Sunday Armistice will be absent from the brass band – and the military parade – which so captivated the British president's interest during his visit to Paris for the July 14 celebrations, inspiring the efforts of the the White House to hold a similar military parade in Washington in November 10 this year. The Pentagon and the White House in August announced that the parade would be postponed until 2019.

Mr. Trump's visit is supposed to be a discreet anniversary celebration, with the president and the first lady going to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and Memorial on Saturday. The president must also speak at an American commemoration ceremony at the American Cemetery in Suresnes.

At his White House press conference on Wednesday, Trump said he expects the commemoration to be "very beautiful."

"I can not wait to go," he said. "And we represent the incredible heroes of the world, but the heroes of our country from the First World War."

Write to Vivian Salama at [email protected]

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