Department of Health and Human Services wants DEA to ban Kratom


WASHINGTON – The Department of Health and Human Services has recommended a ban on the chemicals in kratom.

According to STAT News, HHS sent a letter to the Drug Enforcement Administration asserting two chemicals in kratom should be classified as Schedule 1 substance meaning they have “a high potential for abuse” and that there is “no currently accepted medical use” for them.

RELATED: The Kratom Controversy: Herbal Supplement or dangerous drug?

Kratom, a plant grown naturally in countries including Thailand and Malaysia, is widely sold in smoke shops and other locations as a powder that can be used in tea to slow the effects of opioid withdrawal.

But according to the Food and Drug Administration it has addictive properties of its own. The FDA said kratom carries similar risks of abuse, addiction and in some cases, death, as opioids. It is also often used recreationally for its euphoric effects.

RELATED: FDA chief warns about Kratom to treat opioid addiction

Along with opioid withdrawal, kratom is also believed to relieve fatigue, pain, cough and diarrhea. Anita Gupta, an osteopathic anesthesiologist and licensed pharmacist, has expressed concern about an increase in the use of kratom among her chronic pain patients.

Still, Jessica Bardoulas of the American Osteopathic Association said many “were dismayed to learn of the DEA’s plan to classify the plan as a Schedule one substance…despite anecdotal and scientific evidence indicating kratom could be an effective opioid alternative.”

Because kratom is largely unregulated, “you never know the real strength, ingredients, or how it’s prepared,” says Chris Barth, who used the medication Suboxone to recover from a pain pill addiction a decade ago.

RELATED: CDC: Salmonella outbreak linked to kratom

“Limited access and or lack of knowledge of approved treatments is what’s probably driving this,” said Barth. “It’s probably easier to ‘do it yourself’ with kratom ordered over the internet than find — if it’s available — and pay for FDA approved, doctor supervised treatment.”

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