Trump and Macron meet amid tensions over Macron's military comments


President Trump meets with French President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee Palace in Paris. (Saul Loeb / AFP / Getty Images)

President Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron met on Saturday over tensions over Macron's call for a "real European army" – the US president said "very insulting" moments after his arrival here for the ceremonies commemoration of the First World War this weekend.

The two men showed visible signs of tension on Saturday as they were exchanging warm words at the start of their bilateral meeting at the Elysee, while Macron publicly pointed out that the European nations members of the alliance from NATO should pay more for the defense – rally to Trump. on a constant irritation of his.

"I share President Trump's view that we need a much better burden-sharing with NATO," Macron said at the start of their meeting, while Trump was sitting on the edge from his chair with a tense smile. "My proposals for European defense are very much in this direction."

Calling Trump "my good friend", Macron proclaimed "great solidarity" between the two countries and said the leaders would discuss a litany of issues during their individual meeting, including Iran, Syria , Yemen, trade and climate change.

Trump exchanged Macron's warm tone, informing the French leader that "we have become very good friends" and that the two countries "have a lot in common in many ways".

"I appreciate what you say about sharing the load. You know my point of view, "Trump told Macron. Later, Trump added: "We want to help Europe, but it has to be fair … we want to be there, we want to help, we want to be part of it, but different countries have to help."

On trade, Trump said, "We have made a lot of progress; Let's see if we can do it. "

The content of the brief public commentary between the two leaders was distinctly different from Trump's tweet that he had sent when Air Force One landed in Paris on Friday night, as Trump resurrected his frustration with the alliance countries of the United States. NATO who did not spend at least 2% of the budget. their gross domestic product on their armies.

"French President Macron has just suggested to Europe to have its own army to protect itself from the United States, China and Russia," Trump said a few minutes after his arrival here. "Very insulting, but maybe Europe should first pay its fair share of NATO, that the United States is subsidizing a lot!"

Trump was referring to an interview that Macron had given this week on Europe 1 radio, in which he claimed to believe in the "project of a sovereign Europe" and to say that the continent would not be protected "if we do not decide to To have European Army. "

"In front of Russia, which is on our borders and which can be threatening, I would like to start a security dialogue with Russia, a country that I respect and which is European," said Macron in the interview, conducted during his tour of the main battlefields of the First World War in northeastern France. "We must have a Europe that can defend itself – and not just the United States – in a more sovereign way."

In the interview, Macron also referred to Trump's recent announcement that the United States would withdraw from the Mid-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, a nuclear arms control pact that President Ronald Reagan had signed with the former Soviet Union in 1987.

According to Macron, the "main victim" of this withdrawal is "Europe and its security". Macron also said that Europe should protect itself "against China, the United States and Russia" against cybersecurity and the disappearance of multilateralism.

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