Syracuse football beats Louisville 54-23: recap of Brent Ax


Syracuse, N.Y. – The 2018 football season of Syracuse University has yet two important matches to its schedule with the expectation of Notre Dame and Boston College.

Syracuse has a chance to win its first season of 10 victories since 2001 and a shot for a bowl of New Year's Eve (like Peach or Fiesta) if they manage to win these games.

But forget that for a moment.

Friday night at Carrier Dome was a good time for reflection, as the seniors day, but it was not any higher class.

"They will be carved into stone forever," said Syracuse head coach Dino Babers, following his team's 54-23 win over Louisville. "Everyone will always remember the 2018 class and the season when he was unbeaten at home."

Friday's game recalled a senior day in 1998, when Donovan McNabb's Orangemen crashed Miami 66-13.

It was then that a once powerful power was humiliated and the faithful Carrier Dome paid a well-deserved tribute to a record quarterback.

Eric Dungey has allowed Orange to win a convincing victory against a powerhouse of once very powerful ACC and to experience the honors of a record career in selfie at a time. during his turn of the dome after the match.

It was the subject of Friday, especially with the result of this match against a pathetic excuse for Louisville, who had decided on the condition that Syracuse remember to appear on time.

Babers kept his senior quarterback in the game well after the fourth quarter time, not only to get an ovation, but also to avenge the last two wins over Louisville against Orange (total combined: 118-38 ).

Now, the Orange have to put the attaboys behind them and focus on the Irish No.3.

"It's a game that gives us the opportunity to prove our belonging." "To prove that we are better than what people think, that does not mean that we are going to prove it, it simply means that we have the opportunity.This football team was chosen to be the ultimate, and we Now we are on the map, we now have the opportunity to get a red circle, if we had to play them 10 times, I do not know if we would beat them 10 times, play them once. "

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