Kate McKinnon bids farewell to Jeff's SNL Cold Open sessions


Distribute one for Jeff Sessions – or for Kate McKinnon's Jeff Sessions. Last week was crazy, crazy, crazy, with election day and the wild collapse of our president after the elections. But there was no way the last SNL would not praise any of their favorite personifications: the ousted Attorney General, whose sudden withdrawal the day after the elections sparked very strange and mixed feelings that no one thought possible.

Once again, McKinnon slipped into the child's costume, his white hair and devilish smile to play the controversial Sessions, whose one-and-a-half year term under Trump was marked by cruelty and fanaticism. 'at the end. McKinnon has always played Sessions as a whimsical man-child who does not know the ravages he causes. Sessions was shown cleaning his desk, still wondering where he was cheating.

"I put the kids in cages, I said no to gays – what more do you all want?" McKinnon's Sessions asked while talking to Mike Bennett, Beck Bennett's stapper.

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