Why The Iron Spider Armor Does not Look Like The Comic


Though Peter Parker donates the Iron Spider armor in Avengers: Infinity War, the design is clearly different than the suit featured in the comics. Everything from the mask to the logo was changed, and the creative team behind Marvel Studios obviously had their reasons.

Alongside other notable design updates Avengers: Infinity War – including Iron Man's Mark L and Captain America's new Nomad-inspired look – Iron Spider's armor stood out considerably. Spider-Man and Iron Man (interestingly, the texture is exactly the same as Iron Man's Bleeding Edge armor, this is the same kind of nanotechnology), it did not just serve its functional purpose, goal was considered highly by fans. However, it is still possible that it is a source of material.

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Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War – The Art of the Movie is filled with numerous explanations concerning various decisions made during the production of Avengers: Infinity War. In search of Iron Spider's look, it includes some comments from Marvel Studios Head of Visual Development by Ryan Meinerding, who explains why the studio deviated so much from the comic book design. Ultimately, he wanted to honor both the source material and the MCU version of Spider-Man simultaneously. He said:

Spider-Man follows in Civil War, "The Iron Spider-Man" was a reference to the comics, "I knew they had always wanted to do it." So I was trying to find a way to go to the Iron Spider in the comics has gold, and I felt like I really wanted to previous suit design, so taking that red-and-black theme, incorporating some gold, and then trying to keep the same head design – specifically the eyes – was kind of why we landed where we did. "

In part, Meinerding's choices seem to be made because they are so new to the MCU and, by extension, that some visual elements – most notably his distinctive, flexing Romita eyes – are still fresh and original to audiences. Keeping them in the transition from Spider-Man's to Iron Spider Armor to like feel less jarring and more like a natural evolution. The gold accents are added as a homage to the comics.

Spider-Man should have. In the comics, the Iron Spider had three extendable units (which Peter refers to as "Waldoes"). This was a rather odd choice, given that it was more important than usual. Peter had seven limbs, not eight – as is typical for spiders. It was not until the Dan Slott that this changed, and Meinerding appeared to have toyed with both designs. Ultimately, he is ready to go in the final design, and this is arguably the most aesthetically pleasing.

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Source: Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War – The Art of the Movie

Key Release Dates

  • Captain Marvel (2019) release date: Mar 08, 2019
  • Avengers: Infinity War / The Avengers 3 (2018) release date: Apr 27, 2018
  • Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) release date: Jul 05, 2019

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