New York police officer hangs Backstreet Boys on intercom


A police officer from New York City presented a show from his patrol car in Manhattan on Saturday, intoning a Backstreet Boys melody on the intercom.

Agent Richard Gunther shouted "I want it like that" by the group of boys while his partner and he were in their patrol car parked in the East Village, according to the video that captured the blunder.

By singing 90s pop music on the radio, Gunther was enough to make New Yorkers smile and make them appreciate the NYPD.

"It sure becomes viral," says a video of the spectator.

The Instagram user who posted the video said that it made him smile.

"The NYPD has been absolutely successful today," said Jordan Haskins. "So cool to see humanity in our law enforcement. A little thing like this can really give you hope in these uncertain times. "

Gunther responded by saying that he was happy to be able to provide comical relief during his work.

"Thank you for taking and posting this video! I'm so happy to be able to entertain everyone, "wrote Gunter on the Instagram post. "I feel very good about interacting with the community and seeing all the smiles / laughs! You are the best guys! "

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