Foreign troops flock to PNG capital for APEC meeting


Port Moresby (AFP) – Papua New Guinea has deployed a multinational force consisting of warships, fighter jets and elite anti-terrorist troops to protect the world's leaders gathered during the war. a major summit this week in its capital torn by crime.

About 4,000 troops, half of them foreigners, will work with hundreds of police to patrol Port Moresby as part of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, which will bring together representatives from 21 countries on Saturday.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and US Vice President Mike Pence should not even sleep in the city but spend the night in Australia.

Up to 15,000 delegates are expected at the summit. Due to the shortage of hotels, many of them will fall asleep on three cruise ships moored at the port, which will pose additional security problems.

Although the threat posed by terrorism in PNG is considered minimal, the Melanesian country's reputation for anarchy and violent crime precedes it.

About half of the 300,000 inhabitants of the capital live in squatter neighborhoods. This year, it was ranked fourth on the list of the Economist Intelligence Unit of the world's liveliest cities.

The dreaded street gangs, known as "raskols", have spread car theft and the country has one of the highest rates of rape and domestic violence in the world.

To ensure the safety of delegates, the government has sought military assistance from Australia, the United States and New Zealand.

Canberra finances a large part of the security operations.

It sent a contingent of 1,500 Australian Defense Forces (ADF) troops, as well as RAAF F / A-18 Super Hornet fighters, a surveillance aircraft and a helicopter carrier moored in the port of Port Moresby. .

Australian, New Zealand and US ships will monitor the capital's shores, and the three countries have provided special forces.

About 2,000 Papua New Guinea soldiers will participate in an operation that has been going on for more than a year.

– & # 39; Do not be alarmed & # 39; –

Last week, the Post-Courier newspaper claimed an "invasion of APEC", although the chief safety commissioner (GSTF), Gari Baki, told the people of Port Moresby that foreign troops were not to be feared.

"I would like to reassure the community that they should not be alarmed," he said, noting that the international force was "present at our request."

The government has passed laws allowing international security personnel to use lethal force if necessary to deal with an "imminent threat" at the summit.

Former PNG defense chief Jerry Singirok has expressed concern over the decision to undermine the country's sovereignty.

The Defense Association of Australia, based in Canberra, said that if developing countries such as Papua New Guinea did not accept foreign security contributions, they could never hold important events such as the APEC summit.

"It would not be good from a strategic or political point of view," said Executive Director Neil James.

The huge number of police and military in Port Moresby for the summit means that crime "will not be a problem," he added.

– Hospitals v Maseratis –

The government views the summit as a rare opportunity to introduce Papua New Guinea to the world and attract investment to the 21 poorest member countries of APEC.

"It's a major undertaking, but it's very important to promote the country's economy," said Justin Tkachenko, minister in charge of planning the summit.

"We have never had leaders like this … never come to this region … the whole world will look at us."

More than a third of Papua New Guinea's 8.5 million inhabitants live below the poverty line, while tribal and political violence is a recurring problem, especially in the region of Papua New Guinea. Highlands.

Port Moresby has been revamped for the summit with major infrastructure projects, many of which are funded by China.

Outside the capital, economic growth driven by resource development has stagnated, leaving the vast majority of the population with poor basic services, such as health and education.

Many are wondering why large sums of money are being spent on APEC – including 40 Maserati cars worth more than $ 150,000 each – while provincial hospitals are battling a chronic shortage of medical supplies. .

Treasurer and Deputy Prime Minister Charles Abel said that making a positive impression on APEC, which collectively accounts for 60% of global GDP, could make a difference.

"We need investments, partnerships and capital to develop our country," he said.

"Thus, APEC will present a great marketing opportunity for Papua New Guinea because there are so many opportunities with the wealth we have and the remarkable people we have and the wonderful culture that We have."

– Radio New Zealand contributed to this report –

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