Why Meghan Markle has not supported the Queen and Kate Middleton on Remembrance Day


On Sunday, November 11, thousands of Britons fell silent to mark the centenary of the end of the First World War.

Among them were members of the Royal Family solemnly observing Remembrance Day commemorations in London from a balcony overlooking the cenotaph's memorial.

The Queen, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Duchess of Cambridge, and the Duchess of Sussex were present.

However, royal fans have noticed something quite bizarre in the positions of family members.

The Queen, Camilla and Kate Middleton were all together

The Queen, Kate Middleton and Camilla all sat on a balcony to watch the proceedings, while Meghan Markle was on another balcony at another window.

Meghan, 37, was not alone, however. She was accompanied by Elke Büedenbender, wife of German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

An interpretation of this balcony situation is that Meghan had been tasked with taking care of the president's wife – a sign that the queen trusted her to handle diplomatic situations.

However, many people think that this is not the case and claim that the queen has snubbed the future mother.

The Duchess of Sussex was on another balcony with the wife of the German President

Joe Little, editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine, told PEOPLE that he thought everything was linked to a royal "command order". It was something that was also evident during the debut of "Trooping the Color" in June – when she was standing behind Prince William and Kate.

He explained: "It may not be as important as some people might have expected, but there is a hierarchy.

"There was no intention, but William being older brother, older would come out [first] with his wife.

Meghan also was not on the front for his debut in Trooping the Color

"Meghan was still in a good position, she was in the center rather than being in the front row and on the balcony left or right."

A palace source added that Meghan's balcony position "would have come from her."

They added, "Nobody explained it, did not tell him where to stand, and there were a lot of kids that everyone would want to go to."

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