Grain-free dog food recalled after at least three dogs sickened


Nutrisca's Chicken and Chickpea had high levels of vitamin D


A brand of grain-free dog food has been remembered at least three dogs got sick.

The food, Nutrisca 's Chicken and Chickpea dry food, has elevated levels of vitamin. Nutrisca was notified by their dogs with their vitamin D toxicity after consuming the food.

"An investigation revealed a formulation error in the product," the recalls of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states.

Affected bags of dog food were distributed to retail stores nationwide.

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Nutrisca's Chicken and Chickpea dry food formula is covered in 4 pound, 15 pound and 28 pound bags with a best by date of Feb. 25, 2020 through Sept. 13, 2020. Best by dates are located on the back of the bag of dog food. Affected UPC codes are: 8-84244-12495-7, 8-84244-12795-8 and 8-84244-12895-5.

No other Nutrisca pet foods are affected, including the wet food version of the chicken and chickpea flavor.

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Dog owners should check out their pets immediately. The product can be returned to the place of purchase for a full refund.

Elevated Levels of Vitamin D are toxic to dogs and causes renal dysfunction, according to the FDA leaflet. Symptoms of high vitamin D levels in dogs include vomiting, loss of appetite, increased thirst, excessive drooling and weight loss.

Producer Natalie Guevara can be contacted at [email protected].

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