Here's Where the ExoMars 2020 Mission Will Likely Land, and Why


Closeup of Oxia Planum
Photo: NASA / JPL / University of Arizona

When it comes to landing a robot on another planet, perhaps the most important question is where to put the dang thing. The researchers behind the upcoming ExoMars mission, doing of a rover and lander.

After several years of discussion, the scientists selected Oxia Planum as the optimal site, according to an announcement at the National Space Center in Leicester, UK. Though subject to further review, this location could have a prime spot to determine whether life ever existed on Mars.

"Veronique Dehant, principle investigator on the surface platform's Lander radio-science experiment from the Royal Observatory Belgium, told Gizmodo.

ExoMars artist's concept
Illustration: ESA

ExoMars 2020 is the next part of the ExoMars missions: a rover and landing platform that will be sent to Mars as part of a joint mission between the European Space Agency and Russia's Roscosmos. The rover and platform consist of instruments for measuring the planet's dirt and atmosphere, and will separate just before landing. The mission's main goal is to find evidence of organic molecules in the Martian dirt, and perhaps biosignatures, chemical signs of life.

Given that Mars has had a lot of grounding, it has been a long process, according to an ESA fact sheet. Such a site must be interesting scientifically, with signs of a wet past. It must also be a low-lying area to maximize the amount of atmosphere, in order to slow down the descending payload with its rockets and parachutes. And it has gotten you to go safely.

Oxia Planum is just north of Mars' equator. Channels cutting through its clay and a potential reservoir of organic molecules.

The selection follows a five-year process that began with an organized working group, then a call for nominations. The team has two options, Oxia Planum and Mawrth Vallis further north. While both were interesting scientifically and Mawrth Vallis had slightly more diverse geology, Oxia Planum won, being the more navigable site at a lower elevation.

The two potential landing sites
Graphic: NASA / JPL

Mission scientists can not pinpoint an exact location for the landing-instead, they create an ellipse which serves as a target for the landing components. The ellipse is relatively barrier free, and is approximately the size of Rhode Island. The odds of landing in the crater are relatively slim, said Dehant.

There's more to a successful landing than just picking a good spot, of course-the descent needs to be planned. Back in 2016, the ExoMars Schiaparell lander crashed on an error in its onboard computer.

Picking a landing site determines what kind of science a rover might be expected to conduct. Oxia Planum is not much different from Gale Crater, the presumed ancient lakebed that is currently home to NASA's Curiosity rover, Deifying explained to Gizmodo. But she hopes that Oxia Planum will be a fruitful place to search for biosignatures.

The rover's experiments will not only look at the dirt, but there will be a suite of instruments to study the planet's climate and atmosphere. After all, not only have recent results from Curiosity found organic molecules on the planet, but also a strange seasonal variation to its atmospheric methane.

Scientists interested in the Martian atmosphere They just need the experiment to arrive in working order.

"As long as its safe," Francesca Ferri, Senior Investigator of the Atmospheric Mars Entry and Landing Investigation and Analysis Experiment as part of ExoMars 2016, told Gizmodo. "This is the most important thing."

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